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"It's that fickle-tempered, dissipated young goose poor devil, he find friends pretty scarce today, likely, after the disgrace of carrying a personal assault case into a law-court." A dejected knock. "Come in!" Tom entered, and dropped into a chair, without saying anything. Wilson said kindly: "Why, my boy, you look desolate. Don't take it so hard. Try and forget you have been kicked."

Did you hear of the case that occurred just two days ago? A sergeant of one of the regiments, I forget which, after paying his fare to a donkey-boy, turned quietly to walk away, when the scoundrel felled him with a stick and robbed him of one pound 10 shillings. The case is before the law-court now, and no doubt the robber will receive a just reward.

Let us try now whether what I write may serve me in good stead in a law-court. Read a few lines at the beginning, then some details concerning the fish. And do you while he reads stop the water-clock. You hear, Maximus. You have doubtless frequently read the like in the works of ancient philosophers.

Other things change, with time, and the student cannot trace back with certainty the changes that various trades and their processes and technicalities have undergone in the long stretch of a century or two and find out what their processes and technicalities were in those early days, but with the law it is different: it is mile-stoned and documented all the way back, and the master of that wonderful trade, that complex and intricate trade, that awe-compelling trade, has competent ways of knowing whether Shakespeare-law is good law or not; and whether his law-court procedure is correct or not, and whether his legal shop-talk is the shop-talk of a veteran practitioner or only a machine-made counterfeit of it gathered from books and from occasional loiterings in Westminster.

Without citing any further examples I will conclude by quoting a line addressed by Plato to Dion of Syracuse: Dion, with love thou hast distraught my soul. Which of us is most to blame? I who am fool enough to speak seriously of such things in a law-court? or you who are slanderous enough to include such charges in your indictment?

With a terrible love of summonsing, and a thorough enjoyment of a law-court, he enters into the spirit of the thing like an attorney's clerk. He soon wearies of the less exciting life in the wilder settlements, where orgies and debauchery are not fully developed; home-sickness seizes him, and he deserts his post; probably robbing house or till.

He thought again of the woman in the English law-court. It was like this that she walked from the dock erect, unflinching, graceful, with eyes fixed straight before her, as though she saw something in the air. He watched her cross the hall to the foot of the staircase. There she paused pensively. In a minute or two she came back to the sitting-room door.

"If she blush at her slip from virtue, it will be a new sensation in a London law-court to see the colour of shame," replied Sir Ralph, behind his perfumed glove; "but I warrant she'll carry matters with a high hand, and feel herself every inch a heroine."

Oxford in the grand entrance hall, "and your testimony would be indispensable to me." "I can have nothing to do with it. Good-day!" The giant at the door could scarce open the gigantic portal quickly enough for him. He fled fled, surrounded by nightmare visions of horrible publicity in a law-court. Unthinkable tortures! He damned Mr.

We see the actions being committed, hear the words as they are uttered. But how often do we have an illusion of their reality? Seldom. It is seldom that a masterpiece in drama is performed perfectly by an ideal cast. In a law-court, on the other hand, it is always in perfect form that the matter is presented to us.