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It is the business of the Court, of those who administer the law, to make allowance for ignorance where such allowance is fairly called for; it is not for the law-maker to make smooth the path of the law-breaker.

The rules of the games were protected by the laws of the state. No one who had lost in a game could recover by law unless he proved that the rules of the game had not been followed. The rules for gambling were regarded as legitimate as the regulations of any business. The gambler was only a law-breaker when he "cheated."

It lies in the taking of certain determinations, and the embodying of them in certain institutions. First, the nations must submit to law and to right in the settlement of their disputes. Secondly, they must reserve force for the coercion of the law-breaker; and that implies that they should construct rules to determine who the law-breaker is.

The man in question, instead of being an honest settler with a wife and family, was the keeper of a disreputable saloon and dance hall, a well-known law-breaker whom the local authorities had tried time and again to dispossess and drive away. But by means of his fraudulent claim the man had always defeated the local officers.

Old Hans Coetzee told me that he denounced him to the Veld-Cornet as an uitlander and a verdomde Engelsmann about two years before the annexation, and tried to get him to persuade the Landrost to report him as a law-breaker to the Raad; while all the time he was pretending to be so friendly.

The result of this is a coalition between the lazzarone and the sbirro law-breaker and law-preserver uniting in a systematic attack upon the pockets of the public. "I was one day passing down the Toledo, when I saw a sbirro arrested. Like La Fontaine's huntsman, he had been insatiable, and his greediness brought its own punishment. This is what had happened.

Although so anxious to get started on their way back to where they had left their camouflaged ship, neither Jack nor his comrade would take chances in trying to make haste; they had long ago learned the folly of one false move when engaged in their accustomed job of spying upon a suspected law-breaker whom they had tracked down after an arduous chase.

The CREATOR, hate they most, him who breaketh the tables and old values, the breaker, him they call the law-breaker. For the good they CANNOT create; they are always the beginning of the end: They crucify him who writeth new values on new tables, they sacrifice UNTO THEMSELVES the future they crucify the whole human future! The good they have always been the beginning of the end.

He freely admitted that had the question of reconstruction been submitted to him for determination, he would not have adopted the plan which had prevailed; but since it had been adopted and become an integral part of the law of the land, he believed that whoever sought to evade its fair and unhindered operation placed himself in the position of a law-breaker.

In his own country treachery such as he had shown would have been visited with death even if the avenger had to die for it himself the next minute. The outlaw chief looked up as his dapper follower came up with the young Easterners. "Grub all right?" he asked. "Not bad at all," responded Roy non-committally. He didn't want to show this red-headed law-breaker that he was afraid of him.