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Kingozi, his head and jaw thrust forward, stared after them, his eyes indeed, his whole personality projecting aggressive force. The men hurried to their positions, their loud laughter stilled, glancing fearfully and furtively over their shoulders, whipped by the baleful glare with which Kingozi silently battered them.

Out in the little bay a man and a woman were sailing and enjoying themselves, for the sound of their laughter came across the water to the shore. Jack was just remarking to Rose that they in the boat were carrying a good deal of sail, when a sudden squall upset the boat. The man was not a swimmer, but as he came to the surface he managed to seize upon the overturned boat and support himself.

Of such unwitting dishonesty men of thought are abundantly guilty, when deeming themselves to be governed only by reason, they are in fact slaves to some intellectual fashion of the day. Not one of them in a thousand would dare to appear in public with the clothes of last century, or to face the laughter of a crowd of his compeers.

The professor became at once so confused as to put the whole company and the Rabbin in particular in the best of humor and indeed in almost uncontrollable laughter.

The atmosphere was bright and clear as under a summer sun, but without the heat; the air as fine and bracing as winter, but without the cold. We lost sight entirely of the two great tormentors, heat and cold, and for the few days of our stay forgot their very existence. I have heard of persons feeling, under the effect of laughter, as light and buoyant as if floating in ambient air.

We have had in Botetourt, as all over Virginia, as through all the Southern States, days of excitement, sleepless nights, fanfare of preparation, drill, camp, orders, counter-orders, music, tears and laughter of high-hearted women " Sairy touched her iron with a wet finger-tip. "This time next year thar'll be more tears, I reckon, and less laughter!

Your conscience will never reproach you on account of your love affairs, and you will never enter a convent." "But then I will probably never have the happiness of being loved by a king," said the little maid of honor, with a sigh. This naive observation was greeted with a merry peal of laughter. The princess continued her prophecies; she painted for each one a pleasant and flattering future.

The baron hastily shut the carriage door, for he was too much disturbed to say a word or come to any determination. He heard his wife's voice and their merry laughter as they went away. He never saw her again, nor did he ever discover whether she had told him a lie or was speaking the truth. How is it that the sunlight gives us such joy?

The little owls, however, kept their posts and regarded us with their round eyes, utterly destitute of fear. I burst into a fit of laughter. "What are these funny creatures, I wonder?" I asked. "They are prairie dogs, and we have fallen in with a prairie dog town, though I little expected to find one so far north," answered the Dominie; "we should farther away find them covering acres of ground.

Mataka kept us waiting some time in the verandah of his large square house, and then made his appearance, smiling with his good-natured face. He is about sixty years of age, dressed as an Arab, and if we may judge from the laughter with which his remarks were always greeted, somewhat humorous. He had never seen any but Arabs before.