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"Dave is not as bad as you think. He is a weak creature, with little brains, and no sense at all. But the rest are not a bad lot, though rather rough at times, especially when they are drinking. But let us forget all about them for the present. Read some to me. Let it be Timon again. I feel in a mood for him to-day. If you knew Latin, I would have you read about Old Aeneas.

The blessing which he spoke was Latin, and Father Victor looked somewhat anxiously toward his protégé till the latter answered in a diction so pure that Cicero himself would have smiled to hear it: "Father, I thank thee, and if my mind were as old as thine I might be able to wish blessings as great as these in return." "Stand up!" cried Father Anthony.

Isn't it his place rather than ours to look after the girl? who, to tell you the truth, seems to me rather questionable; there are plenty of better men in Alencon than that cynic du Bousquier. A girl must be depraved, indeed, to go after him." "Cynic! Your son teaches you to talk Latin, my dear, which is wholly incomprehensible.

Quinctilian does not scruple to say, that the Latin literature limps most in comedy; this is his expression, word for word. With respect to Tragedy, we must, in the first place, remark, that the Grecian theatre was not introduced into Rome without considerable changes in its arrangement.

Some of these are survivals, noted at the time as exceptional, and counting in the scales of history for no more than the survival of Greek in a few modern villages of southern Italy or the Wendish oasis seventy miles from Berlin. Others are more serious facts. But they do not alter the main position. In most regions of the west the Latin tongue obviously prevailed.

The inscription, on that of Constantia is touching, as it tells that she was "the last of the great race of Northmen," the good old bad Latin "Northmannorum" giving the proper title, which we have injudiciously softened into Norman.

A sudden thought strikes him: why is he a skilled philologist at all! Why did these authors write Latin and Greek!

Bishop Ryle, a good judge, has spoken to me of the young man's extraordinary facility at turning English poetry at sight into the most melodious Greek and Latin, and of the remarkable range of his scholarship.

One day, Susan asked me to prevent Master Maurice from teaching baby such ugly words, that she could not sleep not bad words, but she thought they were Latin. So I watched, and I heard Maurice singing out some of the legend of Hiawatha, and insisting on poor little Awkey telling him what m-i-s-h-e-n-a-h-m-a, spelt.

Sermons fresh and beautiful, full of unction, and full of texts, sublime and practical, are to be found in the Psalms. Hymns. Immense labour has been devoted to the study of Latin sacred poetry. The Analecta Hymnica in 60 huge volumes testifies to the learning and zeal of its Jesuit authors. Price 6 francs.