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"Och! I wish I wos you," murmured Briant, with a deep sigh. "I think I could ait the foresail, av it wos only well biled with the laste possible taste o' pig's fat." By supper-time the captain announced the future daily allowance, and served it out.

"Sure, 'tis as raisonable to celebrate King William, who did live as a Saint like Patrick, Phadrig as ye call him, who never existed at all. At laste, that's what some of them say. Ye mix the life an' work of half-a-dozen men, an' ye say 'twas all Saint Patrick. Sure, most of him is a myth, a sort of a fog, jist. Ye can't agree among yerselves as to whin he was born."

"Go, chase those white hins," Nora's mother commanded the gossoon, who had started back to bring up more of the rich-looking bundles from the side-car. "Run them up-hill now, or they 'll fly down to Kinmare. Go now, while I stir up me fire and make a cup o' tay. 'T is the laste I can do whin me folks is afther coming so far!"

Me cousin Tim had a ship-ax in his hand that'd 've evened things up f'r at laste wan iv th' poor pikemen that Sarsfield had along with him. But I've nawthin' again thim at that but th' wan that kilt Tim. I'd like to meet that lad in some quite place like th' Clan-na-Gael picnic on th' fifteenth iv August, some place where we'd have fair play. "Jawn, live an' let live is me motto.

And he concludes with the prayer, "God grant to us all grace to ken well and to kepe well Holie Writ, and to suffer joiefulli some paine for it at the laste." Like all the earlier English translations, Wycliffe's Bible was based on the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome; and this is the great defect in his work, as compared with the versions that followed.

Barrin' the hair, ye don't favour each other the laste." I had really heard a good deal about Micky, and was getting tired of him, and inclined to revert to my own affairs. "Mother, do you know where this ship comes from?" "I do not. But she sails with the morning for Halifax, I'm told.

"I feel hungry enough to `eat a horse and chase the rider, as I heard a fellow say the other day!" "Ye must fale betther, sor, if you're hoongry," observed Macan on my completing my toilet and donning my cap again. "That's a raal good sign whin ye're inclined fur to ate at laste that's what the docther sez." "Providing you've got something to eat!"

"Och! the blackguards!" exclaimed Phil Briant, all his blood rising at the mere mention of the horrible traffic; "couldn't we land, capting, and give them a lickin'? I'll engage meself to put six at laste o' the spalpeens on their beam-ends." "No, Phil, we shan't land for that purpose; but we'll land for some gunpowder an' a barrel or two of plantains; so give way, lads."

Remember the ould sayin' ov, 'out ov two evils always chuse the laste; an' so, darlint, jist do whatever you think is fur the best." After this conversation, it was agreed on by both that Owen should set out the next day but one for the town, to try and dispose of the "cow, the crathur;" and although poverty had begun to grind them a little, still they had enough to eat, and slept tranquilly.

Squire's at laste, most of you do and ould Willy Butledge, the fiddler, that spint his time between Tom's and the big house God,be good to Wilty! it's himself was the droll man entirely: he died of ating boiled banes, for a wager that the Squire laid on him agin ould Captain Mint, and dhrinking porter after them till he was swelled like a tun; but the Squire berried him at his own expense.