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When I came close to them he was saying, 'Cheer up, Mary, my lass; he's all right; he's only waiting till this mist has cleared away a bit. You go home, and I'll tell you as soon as ever I hear his boat coming. Why, you're wet through, woman; you'll get your death of cold! Her thin calico dress was soaked with the damp in the air, and she was shivering, and looked as white as a sheet.

"Lass, I'm beginnin' to see how big an' fine you are," replied Belllounds, with strong feeling. "An' it's worryin' me.... My neighbors hev always accused me of seein' only my son. Only Buster Jack! I was blind an' deaf as to him!... Wal, I'm not so damn blind as I used to be. The scales are droppin' off my ole eyes.... But I've got one hope left as far as Jack's concerned.

It must have reminded Charles not a little of his first marriage at Compiègne; only then he was two years the junior of his bride, and this time he was five-and-thirty years her senior. It will be a fine question which marriage promises more: for a boy of fifteen to lead off with a lass of seventeen, or a man of fifty to make a match of it with a child of fifteen.

Moreover Bess was a strong, strapping lass, and, stimulated by the remembrance of her mother's slaps, with a vigorous effort she set the kettle on the fire. "I shall be glad when I'm safely in bed," she muttered. "Everything goes wrong to-day." "It is warm in here," said the Nix to himself, after a while; "in fact stuffy.

"Did you play for that?" she asked. "Oh, well!" he answered vaguely; then added: "Don't worry, my lass. 'Tis all well for a while."

Oh! how elevated was the knight with the conceit of this imaginary submission of the giant; especially having withal bethought himself of a person on whom he might confer the title of his mistress! which, it is believed happened thus: Near the place where he lived dwelt a good likely country lass, for whom he had formerly had a sort of an inclination, though, it is believed, she never heard of it, nor regarded it in the least.

I may not have been reared upon copy-book maxims, but I have my own ideas about the fitness of things; even if they don't coincide with yours, at least I think I may be trusted not to disgrace you." "Do you really need to tell me that, Quita?" "It seems so after what you said just now." He frowned. "You can wipe out what I said just now, lass. It was spoken in annoyance."

The servant boys promptly stopped her interference; but Pao-yue himself desisted, as he added: "It's because I hadn't seen one before that I came to try it for fun." "You people can't do it," rejoined the lass, "let me turn it for you to see."

That'll maybe be within this young fellow's comprehension o' t' danger; thou's heerd me tell it, hastn't ta? 'Yes, said Bell; 'but it's a long time ago; when we was courting. 'An' that's afore this young lass were born, as is a'most up to woman's estate.

"And maybe a mounted policeman and a lost girl." "Saying which," remarked Ruth, "the brave young man undid his pack and disclosed to the admiring eyes of the hungry lass meaning me, especially the 'hungry' the wonders of his pack, which she had been covertly eying amid all the perils of the afternoon."