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For my part I took nothing, but there were many who made no scruple. That evening Puymartin told me Mrs. Scott's history, but it was not at all like Monsieur de Larnac's story. Roger said that, when quite little, Mrs. Scott had been stolen from her family by some acrobats, and that her father had found her in a travelling circus, riding on barebacked horses and jumping through paper hoops."

These Gallards are rich and will give you plenty of money." At this moment a cloud of dust appeared on the road, from it emerged a carriage. "Here comes Monsieur de Larnac!" cried Paul, "I know his ponies!" All three hurriedly descended from the terrace and returned to the castle. They arrived there just as M. de Larnac's carriage drove up to the entrance. "Well?" asked Madame de Lavardens.

These Gallards are rich and will give you plenty of money." At this moment a cloud of dust appeared on the road, from it emerged a carriage. "Here comes Monsieur de Larnac!" cried Paul, "I know his ponies!" All three hurriedly descended from the terrace and returned to the castle. They arrived there just as M. de Larnac's carriage drove up to the entrance. "Well?" asked Madame de Lavardens.

For my part I took nothing, but there were many who made no scruple. That evening Puymartin told me Mrs. Scott's history, but it was not at all like Monsieur de Larnac's story. Roger said that, when quite little, Mrs. Scott had been stolen from her family by some acrobats, and that her father had found her in a travelling circus, riding on barebacked horses and jumping through paper hoops."

These Gallards are rich and will give you plenty of money." At this moment a cloud of dust appeared on the road, from it emerged a carriage. "Here comes Monsieur de Larnac!" cried Paul, "I know his ponies!" All three hurriedly descended from the terrace and returned to the castle. They arrived there just as M. de Larnac's carriage drove up to the entrance. "Well?" asked Madame de Lavardens.

For my part I took nothing, but there were many who made no scruple. That evening Puymartin told me Mrs. Scott's history, but it was not at all like Monsieur de Larnac's story. Roger said that, when quite little, Mrs. Scott had been stolen from her family by some acrobats, and that her father had found her in a travelling circus, riding on barebacked horses and jumping through paper hoops."