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The third event was the succession of the kings of England to the sovereignty of a large part of the countries where the Langue d'oc prevailed, which influenced the manners and opinions of the troubadours, and introduced them to the courts of the most powerful monarchs; while the encouragement given to them by the kings of the house of Plantagenet had a great influence on the formation of the English language, and furnished Chaucer, the father of English literature, with his first models for imitation.

M. Cuoq sought to refute it, not merely by argument, but by the logic of facts. Par N. O., Ancien Missionaire. Ibid: 1866. Also Lexique de la Langue Iroquoise, avec notes et appendices. Par J. A. Cuoq, Pretre de St. Sulpice. J. Chapleau & Fils, Montreal: 1882.

Old Palsgrave, in his "Eclaircissement de la Langue Francaise," gives "dradge" as spice, rendering it by the French word dragde. Chaucer says, of his Doctor of Physic, "Full ready hadde he his Apothecaries To send him dragges, and his lattuaries." The word sometimes may have signified the pounded condiments in which our forefathers delighted.

Fortunately none, save half a dozen knights of our langue, saw the affair, and you may be sure we shall say nothing about it; and instead of Rivers' name going down to infamy, it will appear in the list of those who died in the defence of Rhodes." "May God assoil his soul!" Gervaise said earnestly. "'Tis strange that one of gentle blood should have proved a coward.

Hobbes, the Professor tells us, maintained this long ago, when he said that all our thinking consists of addition and subtraction that is to say, in bringing ideas together, and in detaching them from one another. Turning from thought to language, we observe that the word is derived from the French langue, or tongue. Strictly, therefore, it means tonguage.

Enfin l'auteur nous fait connoitre un monument formé par Charlemagne dans Jérusalem en faveur de ceux qui parloient la langue Romane, et que les Français, et les gens de lettres spécialement, n'apprendront pas, sans beaucoup de plaisir, avoir existé.

'Twas one night after leaving the Impasse Mauvaise Langue that, feeling both cold and dry, I turned into a Tavern that was open late, for a measure of Hot Spiced Wine, as a Night-cap. There was no one there, beyond the People of the House, save a man in a Drugget coat, a green velveteen Waistcoat, red plush Nethers, and a flapped Hat, all very Worn and Greasy.

Vous, Monsieur, qui etes un styliste accompli, veuillez bien me pardonner les torts que je viens de faire a la belle langue francaise. M. Paul Bourget lui-meme ne lit plus le Grec. Non omnia possumus omnes. Agreez, Monsieur, mes sentiments les plus distingues. LETTER: From S. Gandish, Esq., to the "Newcome Independent." It appears that Mr.

One fact is at the outset to be remarked upon; it at the first blush appears singular, but it admits of easy explanation. In the first nineteen years of his reign, from 1423 to 1442, Charles VII. very frequently convoked the states-general, at one time of Northern France, or Langue d'oil, at another of Southern France, or Langue d'oc.

My diary notes that it was frequently very difficult to find my way in walking about Auvergne, from the paucity of people I could find who could speak French, the langue du pays being as unintelligible as Choctaw. This would hardly be the case now.