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M. Cuoq sought to refute it, not merely by argument, but by the logic of facts. Par N. O., Ancien Missionaire. Ibid: 1866. Also Lexique de la Langue Iroquoise, avec notes et appendices. Par J. A. Cuoq, Pretre de St. Sulpice. J. Chapleau & Fils, Montreal: 1882.

M. Henri Regnier, in his invaluable "Lexique de la langue de La Rochefoucauld" points out that the Duke's evident lack of classical knowledge is a positive advantage to him, as it throws him entirely on the resources of pure French. In like manner we may rejoice that Shakespeare had "little Latin and less Greek."

These brotherhoods were not permanent, but were constantly undergoing changes, forming, dividing, coalescing, vanishing. The names of many of them show their recent origin. See J. A. Cuoq, Lexique de la Langut Iroquoise, p. 154. There can be no question that an idea of kinship pervaded the clan system, and was its ruling element.

The author of the excellent Lexique de la Langue de Corneille claims the same merit for him and for his great contemporaries or immediate successors: Faire rendre aux mots tout ce qu'ils peuvent donner, en varier habilement les acceptions et les nuances, les ramener a leur origine, les retremper frequemment a leur source etymologique, constituait un des secrets principaux des grands ecrivains du dix- septieme siecle.