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They possess the art of giving interest even to trifles, and have a natural eloquence de plume, as well as de langue, that renders the task an easy one.

The Courts of Love held by ladies of high rank were originally courts in which the rules of minstrelsy were laid down, they pronounced on the qualifications of a candidate, they polished and cherished the Langue d'oc in its purity, dictated the subjects upon which the troubadours were to compose their lays, judged their pretensions, settled their controversies, recompensed their merits, and punished by disgrace or exclusion those who violated the laws.

It was no longer the idle baron sighing for his lady-love, but the songs of a nation of hardy warriors, celebrating the prowess of their ancestors with all the exaggerations that fancy could supply. The Langue d'oui became the vehicle of literature only in the twelfth century, a hundred years subsequent to the Romance Provencal.

"Je ne voudrois pas," said the gentleman. "Moi, je veux," interrupted the lady. "Mais il faut etre raisonnable, madame." "Il faut m'obeir, monsieur." "Mais " "Pschut!" replied the lady, "c'est une affaire decidee. Monsieur le gouverneur ne parle pas l'Anglois. C'est absolument necessaire que le jeune homme apprenne notre langue; et c'est mon plaisir de l'enseigner.

Ne' fior ne' fiori istessi Amor ha loco, Ama il giglio il ligustro e l'amaranto, E Narciso e Giacinto, Ajace e Croco, E con la bella Clitia il vago Acanto; Arde la Rosa di vermiglio foco, L'odor sospiro e la rugiada e pianto: Ride la Calta, e pallida e essangue Vinta d'amor la violetta langue. Adone, Canto 6.

They were at once surrounded by the knights, who shook them by the hand, and warmly congratulated them upon the honour that had befallen them, receiving equally warm congratulations on their arrival at the auberge of the langue. The five prizes turned out, when their cargoes were landed, to be much more valuable than the cursory examination made by the knights had warranted them in expecting.

D'Aubusson had expressed no surprise at his return to Rhodes, or at the request he made. "Caretto prepared me for this," he said, smiling, "when he asked me if you might accompany him to Genoa. The Order will be a loser, for you would assuredly have risen to the grand priorage of your langue some day.

The langue of Castile held the north-east section of Il Borgo, which was destined to be the scene of most desperate fighting.

Doubtless these he will spend under his mother's care; but as it is as well to provide against everything, I will furnish your dame with a letter to the knight who will probably succeed me as Grand Prior of the English langue, asking him to see to the care and education of the boy up to the time when he can proceed to Rhodes.

"One of my objects," he says, "was to pay a literary visit to a very remarkable man Jasmin, the peasant-poet of Provence and Languedoc the 'Last of the Troubadours, as, with more truth than is generally to be found in ad captandum designations, he terms himself, and is termed by the wide circle of his admirers; for Jasmin's songs and rural epics are written in the patois of the people, and that patois is the still almost unaltered Langue d'Oc the tongue of the chivalric minstrelsy of yore.