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Thus, it seemed to Janet, invaded by a pearly mist was her own soul, in which she walked in wonder, a mist shot through and through with soft, exhilarating lights half disclosing yet transforming and etherealizing certain landmark's there on which, formerly, she had not cared to gaze.

Thus, it seemed to Janet, invaded by a pearly mist was her own soul, in which she walked in wonder, a mist shot through and through with soft, exhilarating lights half disclosing yet transforming and etherealizing certain landmark's there on which, formerly, she had not cared to gaze.

Thus, it seemed to Janet, invaded by a pearly mist was her own soul, in which she walked in wonder, a mist shot through and through with soft, exhilarating lights half disclosing yet transforming and etherealizing certain landmark's there on which, formerly, she had not cared to gaze.

Good evening, sir, and the 'Landmark's' welcome to you." Six hours later, as I entered the restaurant of the hotel with my eyes half open, a newsboy bawled out in the darkness: "'Ere's the Landmark. Full account of the Paper Canoe," &c. And before the sun was up I had read a column and a half of "The Arrival of the Solitary Voyager in Norfolk." So much for the zeal of Mr.