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We wanted to cross to Rathlin Island, which is 'like an Irish stockinge, the toe of which pointeth to the main lande. That would bring Francesca six miles nearer to Scotland and her Scottish lover; and we wished to see the castle of Robert the Bruce, where, according to the legend, he learned his lesson from the 'six times baffled spider. We delayed too long, however, and the Sea of Moyle looked as bleak and stormy as it did to the children of Lir.

"But what did I do, gentlemen?" No one ventured to guess. "I perhaps because I was of the Dormillière blood did not run, but looked at the English. We laughed all together. And I passed along unmolested." "Messieurs, with the exception of our excellent De La Lande, I am afraid it is too often those who lack the virtues of their race who make most cry of it."

When they sought Company shares to sustain losses in one shipment to Virginia, Sir Edwin Sandys reminded them that they were a particular group. In May, 1621, Yeardley wrote concerning the arrival of servants to be located at Martin's Hundred. He described the difficulty of making land assignments "because we have never a surveyour in the lande."

When no man claimed aught for his seueralle, but lande and water ware as commune to al, as Ayer and Skie.

Basse, it appears, had planted by patent some 300 acres and his neighbor to the north was interested in his activity. In June, 1623 Robert Bennett wrote to Edward Bennett in Virginia asking that he report whether Basse, or others, might "claim anye lande as ther righte" in the Bennett's Welcome sphere.

The Notary, advancing, laid it on the bar of the Court, and everybody crowded to look on and see those requested to sign do so. The Honorable, the first to be called, went forward and affixed his name, and Maître Descarries turned to a person who was apparently an old farmer, but a man with a face of conspicuous dignity. "Will you sign, Mr. De La Lande?"

Wee sailed Westward vntill Tuesday morning at Sunne rising, being the last of the moneth, without any sight or knowledge of any lande except in the euening toward Sunne set, that wee discouered a lande which seemed to be two Ilands, that were beyond vs West southwest, about nine or tenne leagues.

He returned in the ship Primrose with a cargo of 'trayne oyle brought home from the New Founde Lande, to quote from the town records of the date. During his absence of two summers and a winter, which made up the term of a Newfoundland 'spell, many unlooked-for changes had occurred within the quiet little seaport, some of which closely affected Roger the sailor.

The Floridians be a gentle sorte of people, and used somtymes to heade their arrowes with silver. There is one principall place called Rio de Jordan, alias Rio de Maio, where, in an iland, standeth a forte which was Ribaults; which river ronneth throughe the lande into the Southe Sea, from whence greate plentie of treasure is brought thither. There are small pynnesses that use the same river.

Nor is it any wonder that in spite of hardships and disaster manifold they yet found heart to write home that it was a fayere lande and bountiful.