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You have been talking about those rapids for two months. I thought that was what we came here for." "Do you want to run right into the smallpox at Montreal?" "Oh, I don't mind. I never take anything of that sort." "But don't you see that it isn't safe for the Lamonts and Mrs. Farquhar to go there?" "I suppose not; I never thought of that.

For in Ardmuirland, be it known, one neighbor helps another in return for the like service when required; thus Robina would lend a hand at hay-time, harvest, potato planting, and the rest, and would be entitled to a few days' plowing and harrowing on her own land in compensation. The Lamonts, though not exceedingly poor, could not be called well-to-do.

An accident which had befallen her when in the prime of life had rendered her a cripple without power to move her lower limbs. Like many of their class, the Lamonts were full of an honest pride, and although they may have possibly felt the pinch of poverty now and again, they would have scorned to acknowledge it.

He liked nothing better than to sit opposite her by the fireside, watching the tireless swiftness of her knitting needles as they flashed in the firelight. When summoned by Robina for any duty, he would promptly comply, returning as soon as free to his favorite attraction. I was passing by the Lamonts' house one afternoon, and as Robina was working in her garden I stopped for a chat.

Old-age pensions were then unheard of, and the Lamonts would have thought themselves insulted had any one suggested parish relief for the old woman; although her helpless condition would have justified it, for she never moved from her corner by the fire, to which she was carried from her bed in the morning to be borne back to bed at night.

Next morning they was up early and out enjoying the view; it IS about the best view alongshore, and they had a fit over it. When breakfast was done the Lamonts takes Asaph one side and the colonel says: "Mr. Blueworthy," he says, "my daughter and I am very much pleased with the Cape and the Cape people.

The only reason for moving him from his present home is that it is in a village, and the children tease and annoy him. I fancy the Lamonts would jump at the opportunity." I quite agreed with him. To my mind, Robina Lamont was a match for a far more dangerous character. She would be equal in strength to many an able-bodied man.

The Czar Demetrius, some time about the beginning of the seventeenth century, established a Scottish Guard, just as Louis XI did in France two hundred years before, and there came over from Scotland Lamonts, Carmichaels, Buchanans and others, on whom were bestowed titles and estates. Prince Ivan Lermontoff is a descendant of the original Lamont, who was an officer in the Scottish Guard of Russia.

When the question was proposed to the Lamonts they at once warmed to the idea. It appeared that one of the lads of their own family now long dead had been in much the same state, though he was inclined to be unruly at times; consequently neither the widow nor her daughter felt the least apprehension of difficulties in managing their patient.

Once on dry land, they'd headed up the bluff for the only port in sight, which was the poorhouse although they didn't know it. The widow and Asaph made 'em as comfortable as they could; rigged 'em up in dry clothes which had belonged to departed paupers, and got 'em something to eat. The Lamonts was what they called "enchanted" with the whole establishment.