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Shortly after daylight the next morning the lama came to our tent to announce that there was a marmot in one of the traps. The boy was as excited as a child of ten and had been up at dawn. When we were dressed we followed the Mongol to the first burrow Where a fine marmot was securely caught by the hind leg. A few yards away we had another female, and the third trap was pulled far into the hole.

Tiberius and Nero are on the road to oblivion, and the subjects of the Lama may boast comparative pretensions to rank as a free and enlightened nation.

'With Mahbub, I ate Mahbub's bread, or Lurgan Sahib's. At St Xavier's, three meals a day. Here I must jolly-well look out for myself. Besides, I am not in good training. How I could eat a plate of beef now! ... Is it finished, Holy One? The lama, both hands raised, intoned a final blessing in ornate Chinese. 'I must lean on thy shoulder, said he, as the temple gates closed.

The Dewan then stood; and as the Rajah did not understand Hindoostanee, our conversation was carried on through the medium of a little bare-headed rosy-cheeked Lama, named "Tchebu," clad in a scarlet gown, who acted as interpreter.

'Before our Lord won Enlightenment' the lama folded all away with reverence 'He was tempted. I too have been tempted, but it is finished. The Arrow fell in the Plains not in the Hills. Therefore, what make we here? 'Shall we at least wait for the hakim? 'I know how long I shall live in this body. What can a hakim do? 'But thou art all sick and shaken. Thou canst not walk.

In this line of duty the lama was no doubt engaged when we walked into his feebly-lighted room, but, like all Orientals, he would let nothing interfere with the performance of his religious duties. With his gaze centered upon one spot, his fingers flew over the string of beads in his lap, and his tongue over the stereotyped prayers, with a rapidity that made our head swim.

When he is found, all the possible information about his family is secretly collected and presented to the Most Learned Tashi Lama, having the name of Erdeni, "The Great Gem of Learning," who, according to the runes of Rama, verifies the selection.

The larger Lamaseries support one or more Lama sculptors, who travel to the most inaccessible spots in the district, in order to carve on cliffs, rocks, stones, or on pieces of horn, the everlasting inscription, "Omne mani padme hun," which one sees all over the country.

'That was the place, said the lama. 'So far, at least, we can go with her. 'Flies go to carrion, said the Oorya, in an abstracted voice. 'For the sick cow a crow; for the sick man a Brahmin. Kim breathed the proverb impersonally to the shadow-tops of the trees overhead. The Oorya grunted and held his peace. 'So then we go with her, Holy One? 'Is there any reason against?

Then the lama raised his head, and looked forth across them into space and emptiness. 'And I am a Follower of the Way, he said bitterly. 'The sin is mine and the punishment is mine. I made believe to myself for now I see it was but make-belief that thou wast sent to me to aid in the Search. So my heart went out to thee for thy charity and thy courtesy and the wisdom of thy little years.