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'It may be that I have acquired merit also ... At least she did not treat me like a child. He hitched the front of his robe, where lay the slab of documents and maps, re-stowed the precious food-bag at the lama's feet, laid his hand on the litter's edge, and buckled down to the slow pace of the grunting husbands. 'These also acquire merit, said the lama after three miles.

Journey to the Rajah's residence at Tumloong Ryott valley Rajah's house Tupgain Lama Lagong nunnery Phadong Goompa Phenzong ditto Lepcha Sepoys Proceedings at Tumloong Refused admittance to Rajah Women's dresses Meepo's and Tchebu Lama's families Chapel Leave for Chola pass Ryott river Rungpo, view from Deputation of Kajees, etc.

The Mongol fell all covered with blood, a splash of which I noticed on the yellow silk of the Lama's coat. "What have you done?" I exclaimed. "Sh! Be still," he whispered turning to me his now quite blanched face. With a few strokes of the knife he opened the chest of the Mongol and I saw the man's lungs softly breathing and the distinct palpitations of the heart.

The Government has brought on us many taxes, but it gives us one good thing the te-rain that joins friends and unites the anxious. A wonderful matter is the te-rain. They all piled into it a couple of hours later, and slept through the heat of the day. The Kamboh plied Kim with ten thousand questions as to the lama's walk and work in life, and received some curious answers.

To screen, perhaps, some other man, he is telling you a noble lie. But what of him? Have you really seen him, and at Ouzelford?" "Yes." "When?" "Yesterday. I was in the City Reading-Room, looking out of the window. I saw a great white dog in the street below; I knew the dog at once, sir, though he is disguised by restoration to his natural coat, and his hair is as long as a Peruvian lama's.

Said Kim in English, distressed for the lama's agony: 'I think if you will let me go now we will walk away quietly and not steal. We will look for that River like before I was caught. I wish I did not come here to find the Red Bull and all that sort of thing. I do not want it. 'It's the very best day's work you ever did for yourself, young man, said Bennett.

One exception, however, I discovered; this was an empty brandy-bottle, bearing a magnificent coloured label, which certainly could not have been issued from the Grand Lama's religious stores. To the English eye, or rather nose, it had but little of the odour of sanctity about it; but here it evidently held a high position, and was prominently placed among the temporal possessions of "the Gods."

But they considered the lama's presence a perfect safeguard against all consequences, and impenitently brought Kim of their best even to a drink of chang the barley-beer that comes from Ladakh-way. Then they thawed out in the sun, and sat with their legs hanging over infinite abysses, chattering, laughing, and smoking.

'Thou leanest on me in the body, Holy One, but I lean on thee for some other things. Dost know it? 'I have guessed maybe, and the lama's eyes twinkled. 'We must change that.

Then her mood changed, and she bade one of the escort ask whether the lama would walk alongside and discuss matters of religion. So Kim dropped back into the dust and returned to his sugar-cane. For an hour or more the lama's tam-o'shanter showed like a moon through the haze; and, from all he heard, Kim gathered that the old woman wept.