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Here is the world, with such and such needs for food, clothing, shelter, with such and such needs for sanitation, hospitals, and above all, for education, for science, for the arts, if it is not to fall back into the conditions of the Middle Ages. How can women aid in making secure the national position? Certainly not by idleness, inefficiency, an easy policy of laissez faire.

A rich exchange in hides, furs, skins, cattle and foodstuffs has given this frontier town from year to year an increasing importance in the eyes of the Chinese who are fully aware of the dangers of a laissez aller policy and are determined to protect the rights they have acquired by pre-emption.

But his laugh was checked suddenly; for at that moment a fierce yell smote his ears, and looking hastily up, he saw his hound and his son rolling together on the ground, in a grapple that seemed deadly. William sprang to the spot; but the boy, who was then under the dog, cried out, "Laissez aller! Laissez aller! no rescue!

Egremont says laissez faire is our family failing, and that our first thought is how not to do it. 'Yes, utter repudiation of such cases was the line taken by the last generation; and I am afraid my mother would be very severe. 'Another thing that actuated my father was the fear of getting his brother into trouble with General Egremont, as he himself would have been the one to profit by it.

A keener and equally sympathetic critic dubbed him the "sportsman" in politics honest, hard-hitting, but playing the issue which had an immediate political effect. At the outset of his administration Roosevelt was apparently an adherent of the prevailing Republican creed protective tariff, gold standard, imperialism, laissez faire and the rest.

But, after all, civility pays in Grenada, as in the rest of the world; and the Negro, like the Frenchman, though surly and rude enough if treated with the least haughtiness, will generally, like the Frenchman, melt at once at a touch of the hat, and an appeal to 'Laissez passer Mademoiselle. On shore we got, through be-coaled Negroes, men and women, safe and not very much be-coaled ourselves; and were driven up steep streets of black porous lava, between lava houses and walls, and past lava gardens, in which jutted up everywhere, amid the loveliest vegetation, black knots and lumps scorched by the nether fires.

Laissez, laissez courir le temps; Que vous importe son ravage? Les tendres coeurs en sont exempts; Les Amours sont toujours enfants, Et les Graces sont de tout age. Pour moi, Thémire, je le sens. Je suis toujours dans mon printemps, Quand je vous offre mon hommage. Si je n'avais que dixhuit ans, Je pourrais aimer plus longtemps, Mais, non pas aimer davantage."

"It is impossible," said Godolphin, "to compare life in a southern climate with that which we lead in colder countries. There is an indolence, a laissez aller, a philosophical insouciance, produced by living under these warm suns, and apart from the ambition of the objects of our own nation, which produce at last a state of mind that divides us for ever from our countrymen.

In connection with the neglect of the idea that the recognition of certain duties is as important as the recognition of rights in the political and social state that is, in connection with the doctrine of laissez faire this popular notion of equality is one of the most disastrous forces in modern society.

For a long time the principle of laissez faire prevailed: the young fellows were left to the tender mercies of the townsfolk. There was no grandmotherly legislation in those days. Gradually a kind of joint-stock arrangement came into vogue.