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"I'm gaun to the Sabbath-school treat this afternoon," said that worthy. "And you, Jock-are you going too?" "No me! I'm ower auld, and besides, I've cast out wi' the minister." "How was that?" "Oh, I had been fechtin'," said Jock airily. "It was Andra Laidlaw. He called me ill names, so I yokit on him and bate him too, but I got my face gey sair bashed.

Laidlaw during the short intervals of his labour, and it was deeply affecting to hear the account he gave of his patron's severe sufferings, and the indomitable spirit which enabled him to overmaster them. He told me that very often the dictation of Caleb Balderston's and the old cooper's best jokes was mingled with groans extorted from him by pains; but that when he, Mr.

"I've got to do something," he asserted. "There's nothing you can do," Dolly Ferrara said wistfully. "He can't be moved. You can't get a doctor or a nurse. The country's full of people down with the flu. There's only one chance and I've taken that. I wrote a message to Doctor Laidlaw you remember he used to come here every summer to fish and Uncle Peter went across to Sechelt to wire it.

"And that I am to be the one to find them, to decipher them, and to give the great knowledge to the world " "Who will not believe," laughed Laidlaw shortly, yet interested in spite of his thinly-veiled contempt. "Because even the keenest minds, in the right sense of the word, are hopelessly unscientific," replied the other gently, his face positively aglow with the memory of his vision.

I have made up for yesterday's short task. He was deprived of his humble friend and staunch henchman, Thomas Purdie. The following little note to Laidlaw shows how keenly he felt his death: "MY DEAR WILLIE, I write to tell you the shocking news of poor Tom Purdie's death, by which I have been greatly affected.

His face wore an expression of content. The experiment had been a complete success. The memory of the last two hours was wiped out utterly. Laidlaw was already chatting gaily and easily about a dozen other things that interested him. Together they went out into the street, and at his door Dr. Stephen left him with a joke and a wry face that made his friend laugh heartily.

Laidlaw; but I feel the subject wants action, and that a little repose will be very necessary. Resolve to-morrow shall be a resting-day. I have not had one this long time. I had a letter from Croker, advising a literary adventure the personal history of Charles Edward. I think it will do. Rode to Melrose and brought home the letters from the post-office.

Laidlaw came down at ten, and we wrought till one. This should be a good thing for an excellent man, and is an important thing to me, as it saves both my eyesight and nerves, which last are cruelly affected by finding those "who look out of the windows" grow gradually darker and darker.

I've a case that will interest you, and besides, I remembered that you flavoured your tea with orange leaves! and I admit " It was Alexis Stephen, the great hypnotic doctor. "I've had no tea to-day," Laidlaw said, in a dazed manner, after staring for a moment as though the other had struck him in the face. A new idea had entered his mind. "What's the matter?" asked Dr. Stephen quickly.

And the whole way Professor Ebor uttered no word, nor did Dr. Laidlaw find the courage to ask a single question. It was only late that night, before he took his departure, as the two men were standing before the fire in the study that study where they had discussed so many problems of vital and absorbing interest that Dr. Laidlaw at last found strength to come to the point with direct questions.