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An arrangement has been made, my dear, that will take that person to the bridge and keep him there." "Provided he accepts the offer," added Lord James. "How can it be otherwise? The salary is simply stupendous for a man of his class and standing." "Laffie gets only twelve thousand a year, yet he designed the bridge," remarked Dolores. "He told me it wasn't even enough for pin-money."

"Of a real live earl and a real hero, with Laffie Ashton thrown in for good I mean, bad measure!" cut in Dolores with enthusiasm. "You know, I asked Vievie to 'put him on her list, else he never may be kissed!" Again Mrs. Gantry raised her lorgnette to transfix her daughter with her cold stare. "You asked her to invite Lafayette Ashton? And you know his reputation!" "Of course.

He dined with us last evening. Laffie Ashton called; so I succeeded in getting the earl away from Dolores. We had a most satisfying little tete-a-tete. I led him into explaining everything." "Everything?" queried Genevieve. "Yes, everything, my dear.

"Your young friend Ashton sure is a great one," countered Blake. "The man who planned that bridge is a genius," stated Mr. Leslie with enthusiasm. "That's one fact. Another is that Laffie Ashton is unfit to supervise the construction of the suspension span. I'll see to it myself that the matter is so arranged that you " "Thanks, no. You'll do nothing of the kind," broke in Blake.

"This is a most delightful surprise." "My dear Laffie!" she mocked, deftly slipping both slender hands into her muff. "I quite agree as to it's being a surprise." "Then you didn't come down to meet me?" "You?" she asked, with an irony too fine drawn for his conceit. "Come to meet you?" "Yes.

"Has it come to that? when we used to make mudpies together! Dolores said that you " "Not so fast, Laffie!" called the girl, as she came dancing into the room in her most animated manner. "Don't forget I'm Miss Gantry now." Ashton continued to address Genevieve, without turning: "I came all the way down from Michamac just to congratulate you left my bridge!"

"That's the first time I ever heard you swear." "I keep it for dirt! ... Well, what you going to do about it?" "I am going to have you show Ashton's plans to Blake. If he recognizes them as a copy of his own " "Better get ready to ship Laffie out of the country. Once saw Tom manhandle a brute who was beating his wife one of those husky saloon bouncers. The wife had a month's nursing to do.

But several miles of the feed track on that side the strait have been put into such bad shape by the weather that we'll have the central span completed from this side before the road over there is open again." "That so?" said Blake. "I want to see about that span." "We'll go out for a look at once, soon as we dump our baggage in on Laffie," said Griffith. "Is that thing here?" growled Blake.

"You're not encouraging that fellow?" "Oh, it's as well to have more than one hook on the line. Ask mamma if it isn't. Besides, Laffie would be a gilt-edged investment provided his papa made the right kind of a will. Anyway, I could get Uncle Herbert's lawyers to fix up an agreement as to that a kind of pre- nuptial alimony contract between me and Laffie's papa's millions." Mrs.

"Oh, your earlship," she remarked, "this, by the way, is Mr. Laffie Brice-Ashton. I'd like to present him to you, but I'm afraid your Right Honorableness wouldn't take him even as a gift if you knew him as well as I do." "Oh, now, Do Miss Gon-tray!" protested Ashton. The Englishman bowed formally and adjusted his monocle, oblivious of the hand that Ashton had stripped of its glove.