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"Well, maybe that's all right," Rose agreed, and then she and Violet let Russ and Laddie take the dolls, which they tied on the sailboat. Then along in the little sheltered cove of the lake the boat sailed, giving the dolls a ride. But, suddenly, there came a strong puff of wind, and the boat tipped to one side.

He stopped up, choked on things, flopped around, and turned so white. I suppose he thought it was womanish, and a sign of weakness, and so he didn't tell, but I bet anything that he had it bad! "I'll try to make the little fool see!" he said. "Gently, gently! You won't help me any in that mood," said Laddie.

Of late, as Laddie began to show signs of age, she and the Master had taken to making more and more of him; to atone for his growing feebleness and to anticipate the dark day which every dog-owner must face; the day when his voice and his caress can no longer mean anything to the pet who once rejoiced so utterly in them.

So they dug in the sand with their shovels, piling it up in front of them in a long ridge shaped like a half circle. The ridge of sand which was to be the outer wall of the fort was in front of the hill over which floated the red, white and blue handkerchief flag. Between the hill and the outer wall of the fort was a hole which was made as Laddie and Russ tossed out the sand.

But we knew it was not nervousness which made him pause for ten seconds after praying for widows and orphans, and in the silence which fell upon us the Divine Spirit had free access. His youth commended him, since he was also modest, for every mother had come with an inarticulate prayer that the "puir laddie wud dae weel on his first day, and him only twenty-four."

Fiercely he redoubled his efforts to bite through the rope, before the bear should be upon him. But the task was not one to be achieved in a handful of seconds. Moving with a swiftness amazing for an animal of his clumsy bulk, the bear swarmed up the hillock. He gained the summit; not three yards from where Laddie struggled. And the collie knew the rope was not more than half gnawed through.

"Wot things?" inquired Vada. "M'lasses," said Jamie, with tearful eyes. Again Sunny felt the crisis, but he carried the situation with a firm hand. "Bimeby, laddie," he said cheerfully. "Meanwhiles we'll jest have a wash all round." And forthwith he set the wash-bowl ready and filled it with warm water.

"Sargint Hinery, is it you, laddie?" the voice continued, in a lower and gentler tone. "Yes, Tom; and, oh, tell Mr. Duncan, quick, that " "Whist! Take care, laddie! Howld on a bit!" and a rifle fell clattering to the ground and two solid feet sprang forward with a rush.

While this had been going on Laddie and Russ, with their father in the boat, had been having a good time. They rowed up the lake, and once or twice Mr. Bunker let the boys take the oars so they might learn how to row. "If you are going to be around the water," said Mr. Bunker, "you ought to learn how to row a boat as well as how to swim." "I can swim a little," said Russ.

"Well, I can't promise for the others," said Laddie, "but for myself I will give you my word of honour that I won't be influenced the breadth of one hair by her, in a doctrinal way." "Humph!" said my mother. "And it is for you I fear. If a young man is given the slightest encouragement by a girl like that, even his God can't always hold him; and you never have made a confession of faith, Laddie.