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Both labor and management have a special interest. Labor's interest is very direct and personal because working conditions, wages, and prices affect the very life and happiness of the worker and his family. Management has a no less direct interest because on management rests the responsibility for conducting a growing and prosperous business.

He saw Gompers, watching the release of tension that followed the armistice and seeing the great child he had fathered, grown now and conscious of its power, watching it, fully aware that it had become stronger than he. Gompers, according to Doyle, had ceased to be a leader and become a follower, into strange and difficult paths. The war had made labor's day.

"But now," he exclaimed with gladness bursting through every syllable, "at last I am free!" BEDECKING ORNAMENTS OF PRAISE Love's Labor's Lost, ii. 1. When Maurice Wynne's bitter word stung her, Berenice Morison stood for a second too overwhelmed to speak or move.

When prices rose and margins of employers' profits were on the increase, the demand for labor increased and accordingly also labor's strength as a bargainer; at the same time, labor was compelled to organize to meet a rising cost of living. At such times trade unionism monopolized the arena, won strikes, increased membership, and forced "cure-alls" and politics into the background.

O, Mother England! thou that knightest the artists while living, and buildest their sepulchres when dead; thou that honorest to such stature of praise the plagiarists upon Nature, and clothest the copyists of patient Labor's pictures in such purple and fine linen; thou whose heart is softening to the sweet benevolences of Christian charity in so many directions, wilt thou not think, with a new sentiment of kindness and sympathy, on this Blind Painter, who has tapestried the hills and valleys of thy island with an artistry that angels might look upon with admiration and wonder!

Shakespeare's earliest work that has reached us is, doubtless, to be found in "King Henry the Sixth," "The Comedy of Errors," and "Love's Labor's Lost." Both the phrases that we have Italicized express tenures, and very uncommon tenures of land. Fine and recovery was a process by which, through a fictitious suit, a transfer was made of the title in an entailed estate.

She wanted to change with Arvilly, who had "Love's Labor's Lost," but Arvilly wouldn't budge. Miss Meechim told me in confidence that if Shakespeare could have had the benefit of her advice he would probable have called it "The Unfortunate Wives of Windsor." "And then," sez she, "I could have occupied it with more pleasure."

He had the kind of knowledge of them that only the countryman has. In "As You Like It," JAQUES tells AMIENS: "I can suck melancholy out of a song as a weasel sucks eggs." Every gamekeeper, and every farmer for that matter, knows how destructive the weasel and its kind are to birds' eggs, and to the eggs of game-birds and of domestic fowls. In "Love's Labor's Lost," BIRON says of BOYET:

It needed the industrial prosperity caused by the price inflation of the Civil War time to bring forth again a mass movement of labor. We shall say little of labor's attitude towards the question of war and peace before the War had started. Like many other citizens of the North and the Border States the handful of organized workers favored a compromise.

Then when the food comes it can not assimilate it. It is like a man who has been without food for thirty days. His muscles have disappeared, his organs have shrunk, he can not walk; he is only skin and bones. The disappearance of the muscles is like the disappearance of labor's jobs in hard times. The shrinkage of the vital organs is like the shrinkage of capital and values.