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Rhodes echoed the sigh. "What's at the theaters?" "Same as last week, excepting at the Gaiete. They've put on `La Belle Helene' there." "Oh! Belle Helene!" cried Clifford. Tzing! la! la! Tzing! la! la! C'est avec ces dames qu' Oreste Fait danser l'argent de Papa! Rhodes began to growl again. "I shouldn't think you'd feel like gibbering that rot tonight."

Nana, in Voltaire, brought 20,000 francs; Pot-Bouille, in Gaulois, 30,000 francs; Bonheur des Dames, La Joie de Vivre, Germinal, L'Oeuvre, La Terre, in Gil Blas, each 20,000 francs; L'Argent, in the same journal, 30,000 francs; Le Rêve, in the Revue Illustrée, 25,000 francs; La Bête Humaine, in Vie Populaire, 25,000 francs; La Débâcle, in the same, 30,000 francs, and Docteur Pascal in Revue Hebdomadaire, 35,000 francs.

L'individu empoche l'argent, s'en va, et en s'en allant est-ce qu'il ne donna pas un coup de pouce pardessus l'epaule, comma ca, au pauvre Daniel, en disant de son air delibere: Eh bien! je ne vois pas qua cette grenouille ait rien de muiex qu'une autre.

"No, sare; but I tro it avay in de vatare!" "That's not my fault." "Yes, sare, but it is your fault. You're von ver gran rascal to swindle me out of de l'argent." "Hello, old Poopoo, you grow personal; and if you can't keep a civil tongue in your head, you must go out of my counting-room." "Vare shall I go to, eh?"

Curieux d'en connoître la composition, j'envoyai vers celui qui le faisoit le valet de mon hôte, et lui fis demander de me l'apprendre. Il me répondit qu'il n'oseroit, et que ce seroit pour lui une affaire trop dangereuse, si elle étoit sue; mais comme il n'est rien qu'un Maure ne fasse pour de l'argent, je donnai

Bursting into tears Carrie answered, "Forgive me, father, but he said he had no bill against me; he made no charge." "But she gave me von big, large mitten," said the Frenchman, "when she see this man, who has more l'argent; but no difference, no difference, sar, this gentleman," bowing toward Ashmore, "parfaitement delighted to pay it."

Then one hot day, when they nooned beside a shining lake and she sat in the shade of a boulder, she heard the men talking. "The summer she is good," a Metis remarked. "Me, I lak' better make the prospect than the freight. Chercher l'argent, c'est le bo' jeu!" "We haven't struck much argent yet," said the white miner. "I wonder what the boss thinks and guess he's up against something.

L'individu empoche l'argent, s'en va, et en s'en allant est-ce qu'il ne donna pas un coup de pouce par-dessus l'epaule, comma ca, au pauvre Daniel, en disant de son air delibere: Eh bien! je ne vois pas qua cette grenouille ait rien de muiex qu'une autre.

The traffic in wine appeared to be the sole thought of the Narbonnais; every one I spoke to had something to say about the harvest of gold that bloomed under its influence. "C'est inoui, monsieur, l'argent qu'il y a dans ce pays. Des gens a qui la vente de leur vin rapporte jusqu'a 500,000 francs par an."

Every literary theory of mine was contrary to him when I took up 'L'Assommoir, though unconsciously I had always been as much of a realist as I could, but the book possessed me with the same fascination that I felt the other day in reading his 'L'Argent. The critics know now that Zola is not the realist he used to fancy himself, and he is full of the best qualities of the romanticism he has hated so much; but for what he is, there is but one novelist of our time, or of any, that outmasters him, and that is Tolstoy.