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He educated his generation up to himself, giving to the taste and to the judgment of his contemporaries a decided trend, so that his merits have already been sufficiently recognized, appraised, and even portrayed. In many a work on German literature he is discussed as honorably as judiciously; I need only recall the laudations which Küttner, Eschenburg, Manso, and Eichhorn have bestowed upon him.

This work is swelled beyond all due proportion with political disquisitions; but though bold and severe, it is a just picture. Italien und Deutschland. Von C.P. Moritz. Berlin, 1790. Manners, literature, and arts are the topics of this work. The same author published "Travels of a German in England." Reisen durch Deutschland, Danemarck, Schweden, Italien, 1797 99. Von Kuttner. Leip. 4 vols. 8vo.

Economy, manufactures, and natural history. Briefe uber Ireland. Von Kuttner, Leip. 1785, 8vo. This author published Travels in Holland and England, which, as well as the present, indicate an attentive, careful, and well-informed observer of manners, national character, and statistics.