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He also stated, what the white captives had already observed, that Golah and his son were keeping a sharp watch over them, as well as over the strangers; and that an opportunity of talking to the Arab sheik might not be easily obtained. While he was still speaking, the latter was observed proceeding towards the well to draw some water. The Krooman instantly arose, and sauntered after.

That night, after being driven within the walls of the town, the white slaves, along with their guard, and the Krooman, were fastened in a large stone building partly in ruins, that had been recently used as a goat-penn. They were not allowed a mouthful of food nor a drop of water, and sentinels walked around all night to prevent them from breaking out of their prison.

The Krooman had already informed Harry Blount and his companions of something he had learned from the conversation of the wreckers; and the three mids had been watching with considerable interest the movements of the diver and his assistants. When the block of sandstone was dragged up on the beach they stared at each other with expressions of profound astonishment.

Our bodies are now weak, but our spirits are still strong. We will die!" On receiving this answer, the Arabs departed, leaving the Christians in the penn. The Krooman, who had been listening during the interview, then faintly called after them to return; but he was stopped by Jim, who still entertained the hope that his firmness would yet be rewarded.

They had then fallen into the hands of an intelligent woman, who had turned out the undesirable tenants, furnished the flats plainly, but comfortably, and had let them to tenants who might be described as solvent, but honest. Krooman Chambers had gradually rehabilitated itself in the eyes of the neighbourhood. Dr. van Heerden had had his surgery in the building for six years.

Sailor Bill had sunk upon the floor, hardly conscious of what the others were saying; but, partly aroused by the word water, repeated it, muttering, in a hoarse whisper, "Water! water!" The Krooman and the three youths joined in the cry; and then all, as loudly as their parched throats would permit, shouted the words, "Water! water!"

Once Frank saw the old man arise as if to cast himself into the water rather than face what lay ahead, but Lathrop instantly drew him back. Again the picture died out and again the old Krooman. threw on more powder. As the smoke rolled up once more no one spoke. The situation was far too tense for that. The scene now seemed to show that indeed all was over with the occupants of the canoe.

This they readily assented to; and the Moor then produced a piece of paper, a reed pen, and some ink. Rais Mourad wrote the agreement himself in Arabic on one side of the paper, and then reading it sentence by sentence requested the Krooman to translate it to his companions. The translation given by the Krooman was as follows: "To English Consul. "We be four Christian slave.

On reflection, the young Scotchman yielded, and permitted his hands to be tied behind his back! so, too, did the Krooman. Golah now stepped out of the tent, and immediately after returned, leading Harry Blount along with him.

Even the Krooman could not explain it; and as the shades of night descended over the desert, the mother separated from her child, perhaps never more to embrace it in this world of wickedness and woe. About two hours before daybreak, on the morning after the departure of Golah, there was an alarm in the douar, which created amongst the Arabs a wonderful excitement.