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His name was Kraft, and he gladly received his son's companion as apprentice, George having spent his last groschen that very day, and thus the little prince was turned into a stone-mason's apprentice. In the castle of the Greylocks, meanwhile, there was sorrow and lamentation.

The city, as I said, lives upon the memory of what it has been, and trades upon relics of its former fame. What it would have been without Albrecht Durer, and Adam Kraft the stone-mason, and Peter Vischer the bronze-worker, and Viet Stoss who carved in wood, and Hans Sachs the shoemaker and poet-minstrel, it is difficult to say.

Es ist eine logische Klarheit, eine Einfachheit der Darstellung, eine überzeugende Kraft der Beweisführung, ein einleuchtender Zusammenhang des Ganzen verbunden mit würdiger Haltung der Polemik, philosophischer Bildung und freier Liberalität des Standpunkts in diesem Buch, vermöge welcher es als meisterhaft anerkannt werden muss. Lechler's Geschichte des Englischen Deismus, p. 362.

And back to Cypher's went we three, and, finding customers scarce, we joined hands and did an Indian dance with Milly in the centre. This, I say, happened three years ago. And about that time a little luck descended upon us three, and we were enabled to buy costlier and less wholesome food than Cypher's. Our paths separated, and I saw Kraft no more and Judkins seldom.

Louis Büchner, president of the medical association of Hessen-Darmstadt, etc., etc., is not only a man of science but a popular writer. Perhaps no book of its class, in our day, has been so widely circulated as his volume on "Kraft und Stoff," Matter and Force. It has been translated into all the languages of Europe.

But you said you were trying to keep from telling me what it did mean." "I can't keep from telling it any longer," he said. "The music meant to me it meant the kindness of of you." "Kindness? How?" "You thought I was a sort of lonely tramp and sick " "No," she said, decidedly. "I thought perhaps you'd like to hear Dr. Kraft play. And you did."

As to the disposition of these troops a difference of opinion broke out between the ruling powers in Natal and the military chiefs at the spot. Prince Kraft has said, 'Both strategy and tactics may have to yield to politics ; but the political necessity should be very grave and very clear when it is the blood of soldiers which has to pay for it.

Euler, Lexell, and Kraft undertook the task of examining them, and selecting those that were best fitted for publication, but we believe that no steps have yet been taken for executing this task, nor are we aware that science would derive any advantage from its completion.

Sheridan, Dr. Kraft. He has come to listen with me." The organist looked bluntly surprised. "Iss that SO?" he exclaimed. "Well, I am glad if you wish him, and if he can stant my liddle playink. He iss musician himself, then, of course." "No," said Bibbs, as the three entered the church together.

For readers, who, through travel in Europe and acquaintance with French literature and tastes, are enabled to understand the many nice allusions contained in this novel, it is a very entertaining book. Kraft und Stoff. By G. BÜCHNER. Fourth edition. 1857. Materie und Geist. By the same. 1857.