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Why don't you ask, then, as you ought to do the first thing? He's a good deal better than he deserves to be, young rascal all the trouble he gives me! He's fast asleep, I'm glad to say, so you can't see him. Sam'll be back in a few minutes; at least I expect him, but there's no knowin' nowadays when lie can leave the warehouse. What's brought you to-night, I wonder?

I wonder, knowin' what Billy knows, an' havin' the handlin' of a craft like Janet, he didn't hold the sheet rope pretty snug as he headed her int' this harbor." The boat made the landing without a jar. The girl sprang out, secured the Comrade, then shouldered a carpet-bag, boy-fashion, and came up the winding path toward the lighthouse.

"But I don't know nothin' 'bout slavery or the War. I was born and bred in the desert and my mother said it was a long time after freedom 'fore she knowed anything about it. She said there was just lots of the folks said, to their knowin', they had been free three years 'fore they knowed anything about it.

When the town was young a Lansing had lived there in pomp and circumstance his own great-grandfather and he smiled grimly, amused at the irony of things terrestrial. A slattern at the door halted him: "Nobody ain't let up them stairs without my knowin' why," she mumbled. "I want to see Captain Selwyn," he explained. "Hey?" "Captain Selwyn!" "Hey? I'm a little deef!" screeched the old crone.

"Doin' one's duty for duty's sake is the way the good Lord intended. And if Jabez Potter is charitable without knowin' it and he is all the better. It's charged up to his credit in heaven, I have no doubt." The girls were tired after their long ride in the keen evening air and they were ready for bed at a comparatively early hour. But after Ruth had got into bed she could not sleep.

When Spears got to the bench he sat down beside me as if in pain, but he was smiling. "Con, I was all in, an' knowin' I couldn't play any longer, thought I'd try to scare Carter. Say, he was white in the face. If we play into a close decision now, he'll give it to us." Bogart and Mullaney batted out in short order, and once more the aggressive Bisons hurried in for their turn.

"Think of it the nerve of the divil and him knowin' she was more likely to finish at the first fence than ever to reach the check. For the day's course was a full ten-mile run, and a check was laid half-way for a blow or a change of mounts.

"That's Cap Hart Tate, all right," mused the Cap'n; "Cap Hart Tate gallantly engaged in winnin' a medal by savin' his own life. But knowin' Cap Hart Tate as well as I do, I don't see how he ever so far forgot himself as to take along any one else. It must be the first mate, and the first mate must have had a gun as a letter of recommendation!"

I remarks to Vee durin' the forty minute wait while Lucy Lee dresses for dinner. "Oh, yes," says Vee, with a knowin' smile. "That is her specialty, I believe. She's a dear though, even if she doesn't mean quite all of it." "Ah, why wake me up!" says I, grinnin'. It was next mornin' though that I got my big jolt, when an express truck backs up with about a ton of baggage.

"We felt purty bad about that, an' knowin' those fellers as we did made us feel worse. They sure didn't deserve shootin'. Then Lem Fisher, who always was handy with his memory, happens t' think of a canyon 'bout three mile away, with a bridge over it. Sort o' like that place at the water tank, where them boys was strung up this mornin', only deeper, an' th' stream under it swifter an' rockier.