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If, in the fust place, I hadn't knowed Staples as well 's I did, the Smith fam'ly, so fur 's my experience goes, has got more members 'n any other fam'ly on top of the earth." At this point a boy brought in a telegram. David opened it, gave a side glance at his companion, and, taking out his pocketbook, put the dispatch therein. The next morning David called John into the rear room.

"I have tried to do my dooty here, and I thought," murmured Billings, "that it was to the advantage of the Government to have as Provost-Marshal a man who knowed all these fellers and their tricks. It'd take a new man a long time to learn 'em." "I appreciate that," said the General. "But it's not just to you or your men to make you do so much of this work.

Fust thing we knowed, them other four galoots was falling backwards a-getting out of that trap of a cove, and the bullets was whizzing about our ears " He broke off to shout with laughter. "And it was all done by one old settler and his gal, them standing out open and free with their breech-loaders, and us hiking out for camp like whipped curs!"

Well, I just believe he fell in, and he was afeared he was drowndin' and that's why he hollered out. Don't you, mother?" "Yes, I do, Joey." "And you think I done right, don't you, to try to help him, even if it was some resk?" "Oh, yes." "I knowed it was some resk, but I didn't believe it was much, and I kind of thought you'd want me to." "Oh, yes, yes," his mother said. "You did right, Joey.

"It's Swift." "I knowed it was something had to do with speed," went on Mr. Blackford. "Wa'al, now, s'pose you come in the house an' have a hot cup of tea. You look sort of draggled out." Tom was glad enough to avail himself of the kind invitation, and he was soon in the comfortable kitchen, relating his story, with more detail, to the farmer and his family. Mrs.

The little man began to pant and even in the dim light Vic could see that his face was working. "Him!" he said at length. And then: "I might of knowed! Him!" He leaned closer. "Keep it to yourself, Vic, or you'll have the rest of the boys runnin' for cover before the fun begins." He snuggled a little closer to his rock and turned his head towards the house. "Him!" he said again.

Uncle Silas knowed how powerful he was, and how little chance he had against such a man, and he was scared and worried, and done everything he could think of to smooth him over and get him to be good to him: he even took his no-account brother Jubiter on the farm and give him wages and stinted his own family to pay them; and Jubiter done everything his brother could contrive to insult Uncle Silas, and fret and worry him, and try to drive Uncle Silas into doing him a hurt, so as to injure Uncle Silas with the people.

Her eyes flew wide open aw at onct, an' she seed me an' smiled, aw her dear face quiverin' i' death. "'Dear lad, she whispered, 'th' path was na so long after aw. Th' Lord knew He trod it hissen' onct, yo' know. I knowed tha'd come I prayed so. I've reached th' very eend now, Tim, an' I shall see th' little lad first. But I wunnot forget my promise no.

"If any harum had come to the gossoon, we'd have knowed it. It's the bad news that travels fast." Mr. Bilkins was not so positive about that. It had taken a whole year to find out that O'Rourke had not drowned himself. The period of Mr. O'Rourke's enlistment had come to an end. Two months slipped by, and he had neglected to brighten River-mouth with his presence.

"Purty good load, wasn't it, Si?" said Shorty. "But what made ye lug all that water in here? When ye saw they was goin' into camp ahead ye might ha' knowed there was plenty o' water. Why in blazes didn't ye turn the water out o' them 'ere canteens?" "I'll be hanged if I thought o' that!" said Si, while the boys joined in a hearty laugh.