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Massinger is fond of the use of parentheses. In the MS. Leiden has been corrected into Roterdam. The officer was personated by "R.T." In the right-hand margin we find "Mr. Rice." The Captains' parts were taken by "Mr. Rob." and "Mighel." The Dutch word knol signifies both a turnip and a blockhead. i.e. explain to me. "Fry" has here the unusual sense of "buzz, hiss."

The Attorney of the Royal Treasury Knol screwed up his face like a poor workman, whom an apprentice is shaving and scraping on a Saturday evening by the light of a shoemaker's candle; he was furiously angry at the misuse made of the title "Will" and quite near to shedding tears of rage.

In accordance with this custom Consistorial Councillor Glanz, Attorney of the Royal Treasury Knol, Court-Agent Peter Neupeter, Police-Inspector Harprecht, the Preacher-at-Early-Service Flachs, the Court-bookseller Passvogel and Herr Flitte, for the time being receive nothing; not so much because no Trebellianica is due them as the most distant relatives, or because most of them have themselves enough to bequeath, as because I know out of their own mouths that they love my insignificant person better than my great wealth, which person I therefore leave them, little as can be got out of it."