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Kneel, Jacopo, that I may ask of God, once more, to remember thee." "I am at thy side, father." The old man raised his feeble arms, and with a voice whose force appeared reviving, he pronounced a fervent and solemn benediction. "The blessing of a dying parent will sweeten thy life, Jacopo," he added after a pause, "and give peace to thy last moments." "It will do the latter, father."

All cringe and kneel before thee, yet thou rushest on over their prostrate forms. Ah, noble steed! Sole gift from heaven! Thy tendons are of iron, thy head is of bronze. Thou canst pursue thy course for centuries as swiftly as if borne up by eagle's wings; and when, once in a thousand years, resistless hunger comes, thy food is human flesh, thy drink, men's tears. My steed!

Jean-Christophe got up, livid with shame, seized his ink-pot, and hurled it with all his strength at the nearest boy whom he saw laughing. The schoolmaster fell on him and beat him. He was thrashed, made to kneel, and set to do an enormous imposition. He went home, pale and storming, though he said never a word. He declared frigidly that he would not go to school again.

We three were playing near it when a joyous Indian girl with a bundle of clothes on her head ran down the bank to the water's edge. We, following, watched her drop her bundle near a board that sloped from a rock into nature's tub, then kneel upon the upper end and souse the clothes merrily up and down in the clear water.

I saw you conduct Halloway to the centre of the bridge; I beheld him kneel to receive his death; I saw, too, the terrible race for life, that interrupted the proceedings; I marked the sudden upspring of Halloway to his feet upon the coffin, and the exulting waving of his hand, as he seemed to recognise the rivals for mastery in that race.

"No, no, do not kneel," said Claire; "if you knew of what you remind me, if you knew what a lying face, distorted with hatred, I saw at my feet last night!" "Ah! but I am not lying," replied Georges with a shudder. "Claire, I implore you, in the name of our child " At that moment some one knocked at the door. "Rise, I beg of you!

I liked the great good-natured crowd, so orderly and amiable; and I enjoyed even that old citizen in the procession who, when the Patriarch gave his blessing, found it inconvenient to kneel, and compromised by stretching one leg a great way out behind him. They went gorgeously before the Patriarch, who was surrounded by the richly dressed clergy of St.

Falling on his knees, he seized the count's hand, and pressed it to his lips and heart. Tekeli raised him from his humble posture. "Michael," said he, "henceforth kneel only to your Maker. And now to the castle; your hurt needs care." "Willingly," said the young man, "would I shed the best blood in my body to obtain my freedom."

In front of the stockade, but some considerable distance from it, and on the sloping land that was nigh to the beach, we had thrown up a kind of intrenchment, behind which we could kneel and fire, and under whose cover we hoped to be able to make a good account of assailants.

Now if we have them in our sight and before our senses for this purpose, that they may be means, signs, and memorials to stir us up to worship, then, sure, their being really before our senses, is not accidental to us when we kneel.