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'Very like a'st not see tha again, Davie. We niver know, Livin's hard soomtimes soa's deein, folks say. I'm often freet'nt of deein' but I should na be. Theer's noan so mich peace here, and we knaw that wi' the Lord theer's peace. He gave a long sigh all his character was in it so tortured was it and hesitating.

Here he was faced with a like problem and now invited her to solve it. "I dunnaw. I thot such love never comed to no end, Mister Jan. I thot 'tweer good to wear; but but how do I knaw if you doan't?" "You trust me, Joan?" "Why, who should I trust, if 'tweern't you? I never knawed any person else as set such store 'pon the truth.

"Let him, the chap, knaw fust what's come along o' his carneying, an' maybe he'll marry 'e, as you sez, right away. Bide wi' me till you tells en. Let en do what's right an' seemly. That's the shortest road." "Iss fay; he'm a true man. But I ban't gwaine to wait for en in this 'ouse.

"You knaw best, Will, dearie; you nearly allus knaw best; but your heart's bigger 'n your pocket an' a li'l child do call so loud for the spendin' o' money." "Aye, I knaw, I knaw; 'tis a parent's plaace to stand up for his offspring through fire an' water; an' I reckon I won't be the worst faither as ever was, either. I can mind the time when I was young myself. Stern but kind's the right rule.

They don't know anything about me. They don't care really. Jim likes me because I've stuck to Ally. Ally loves me because I would have given Steven to her. They love what I was, not what I am now, nor what I shall be. "They have nothing for me." It was Jim who answered her. "I knaw," he said, "I knaw." "Oh! You little, little lamb!" Baby John had his fingers in his mother's hair. Greatorex rose.

"If you get shut," replied his companion in the same low tone, "it won't matter much; but see here shut your eyes." Without further remark the man took a handful of wet earth and smeared it over Oliver's face, then, clapping his own "sou'-wester" on his head, he said, with a soft chuckle, "There, your own mother wouldn't knaw 'ee!"

"Polly," he answered, "your cousin Joan have seen sore trouble, in a manner o' speakin', an' you'd best to knaw fust as last. Us must be large-minded 'bout a thing like this She'm tokened to a gen'leman from Lunnon." "What! An' him Joe Noy?" "To he plain wi' you, Polly, she've thrawed en over. Listen 'fore you speaks.

"Lucky devil," thought the artist; but though he knew something of Barron and his work and had heard that Barron painted when at Newlyn, he did not associate these facts with the girl before him. "He'm in Lunnon, so far's I knaw," she continued. Harry Murdoch had to look hard at Joan before answering, and he delayed a while with an expression of deep thought upon his face. At length he spoke.

"We'll go home-along now. Doan't 'e tell him I'm coming. I'll take him unbeknawnst. And you keep out the way till I be gone again." "Does your mother knaw, Will?" "Ess, she an' Chris both knaw I be gwaine to have it out this night. Mother sez I be right, but that Miller will send me packing wi' a flea in my ear; Chris sez I be wrong to ax yet awhile."

There's a new post I'll have set up. It's here waiting. I can't do more." "But you'll do a darned sight less. Right's right, an' stealin's stealin'. You wasn't wise, as you say far from it. You'm in the wrong now, an' you knaw it, whatever you was before. A nice bobbery! Why doan't he take my plough or wan of the bullocks? Damned thieves, the lot of'e!"