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You see, Kit, she has a fearful temper, and she can't help being spiteful." "Oh, fiddlesticks, Mops! Anybody can help being spiteful if they want to." "No, she can't, Kit. She flies into a rage over nothing. And then she's sorry afterward." "Will she be at the Sand Court thing, or whatever you call it, to-day?" "Yes, all the club will be there. Come on, let's go."

This struck the girl as ominous, for it might mean that Kit had appeared in person at the other end of the line. It might mean that some trap was being laid to catch Kit's double. "If she turns up, and tells everything, they can't let me get away with what I know, even about Krantz's Keller," Clo told herself.

"These were the most distressing days that New England ever beheld," reads a record. "All was fear and consternation. Few there were, who were not in mourning for some near kindred, and nothing but horror stared them in the face." Presently Captain Benjamin Church, as noted in New England as Kit Carson is in the West, was upon the sachem's trail.

Showed his secretary my naturalization papers when I put up my shingle. Took them out as soon as I reached the United States from Norway." Kit pondered. Olsen spoke English and Castilian Well, but his accent was not American, nor, Kit thought, Scandinavian.

If only she could hide in Chuff's room before Kit reached his floor! She stumbled down the last few steps, and paused at the room under Kit's. Would the key fit? It went deep into the small keyhole, and turned. Kit must be close to the top of the stairs now. Trembling the girl locked herself into Chuff's room and went straight to the telephone.

"Oh!" said Mrs. Morton, "my brother Kit has retired from business. His son-in-law, Mr. Plimmins, has succeeded." "Oh, then, Plimmins married one of the young ladies?" "Yes, Jane she bad a sad squint! Tom, there is nothing to laugh at, we are all as God made us, 'Handsome is as handsome does, she has had three little uns!"

On the contrary, it was a matter of calculation, made on the same principle which any experienced workman would adopt, in reference to some undertaking that was within the range of his calling. A few years later, an officer, who had been an eye-witness of this incident, had the opportunity of trying Kit Carson a second time on the same business, but Kit was not mistaken.

"He looks as half-witted as those back in the Old Country who have the second sight and see the faeries. Aye, and he's as young and handsome as a king's son. Poor lad!" And then she called aloud, "'Tis a brave day, this." "Hmm!" was the response, rendered impartially. Patsy's alert eyes spied a nondescript kit flung down in the grass at the man's feet and they set a-dancing.

That yacht of mine, there she is, and I said I would board her and have a fly with half a dozen fellows round the Scottish isles. We're never free to do as we like. 'Legs are the only things that have a taste of freedom, said Gower. They strolled down to Howell Edwards' office at nine, Kit Ines beside the luggage cart to the rear.

They hailed and couldn't git no answer. They knew she was a furriner by her build, and she must 'a' been a long time at sea by her havin' barnacles on her nigh as big's a mack'rel kit. Finally, they pulled up to her fore chains and clum aboard of her.