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Kenyon arranged it he was an expert at arranging anything of a delicate nature. He timed the hour when Mr. Barrett was down town, and the nurse and doctor safely out of the way, and they called on the invalid prisoner in the darkened room. They did not stay long, but when they went away Robert Browning trod on air.

If you think you can go out and interest a dozen or twenty-four men in the City, and persuade them to go in for our mine, I will cry "Halt!" on our part until you do it. Will you try that? Kenyon pondered for a few minutes, and then said: 'I suppose that would be rather a difficult thing to do. 'Yes, that is the way it strikes me. I do not know to whom I could go.

'How do you know all this? he asked. 'Never mind that; and you mustn't ask how I know what I am now going to tell you, but you must believe it implicitly, and act upon it promptly. Longworth is fooling both you and Kenyon.

The young Count as perhaps we had better designate him in his ancestral tower vanished from the battlements; and Kenyon saw his figure appear successively at each of the windows, as he descended.

She did not take her carriage, but hailed a hansom, and gave the driver the number of Wentworth's offices. That young man was evidently somewhat surprised to see her. He had been trying to write to Kenyon an account of his interview with old Mr. Longworth; but after he had finished, he thought John Kenyon would not approve of his zeal, so had just torn the letter up.

'Well, Kenyon, said Wentworth 'you look as if you were writing a poem, or doing something that required deep mental agony. 'The writing of poems, my dear Wentworth, I leave to you. I am doing something infinitely more practical something that you ought to be at. I am thinking what we are to do with our mica-mine when we get it over to London.

Kenyon came to see her while she was staying in London, and offered to show her the Zoological Gardens, and on the way he proposed calling in Gloucester Place to take up a young lady, a connection of his own, Miss Barrett by name. It was thus that Miss Mitford first made the acquaintance of Mrs. Browning, whose friendship was one of the happiest events of her whole life.

My future is before me, a very limited landscape, with scarcely one old friend left in it. Is this the end of all things? But wait a little. There will be another piece, in which John Smith the younger will figure, and quite eclipse his old, stupid, wrinkled, useless, time-slaughtered parent. The king is dead, long live the king!" Kenyon was very fond of Americans, Professor Ticknor and Mr.

I do believe that I like to look at a camellia better than at a rose; and then these have a double association.... I meant to write a long letter to you to-day, but Mr. Kenyon has been to see me and cut my time short before post time. You remember, perhaps, how his brother married a German, and, after an exile of many years in Germany, returned last summer to England to settle.

If you will let me pay the preliminary expenses of forming this company, and if you will then give me a share of what you make, I shall be glad to furnish the money you need at the outset. John Kenyon looked at Miss Longworth with a smile. 'You are very ingenious, Miss Longworth, but I can see, in spite of your way of putting it, that what you propose is merely a form of charity.