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Harry saw that Bertrand felt and believed every word he said, and his enthusiasm was communicated to the colonel, whose face flushed, and to Harry, too, whose own heart was beating faster. "It was a great deed!" exclaimed Colonel Kenton. "South Carolina has always dared to speak her mind, but here in Kentucky some of the cold North's blood flows in our veins and we pause to calculate and consider.

"Oh, father! these be gallant fellows," exclaimed Jephthah. "Will you let me go with these?" Kenton laughed a little to himself. "Which is the good Cause, eh, son Jeph?" He was, however, not at all easy about the state of things.

Then he dropped lightly from the porch and lay for a few moments in the darkness and on the wet ground, absolutely still. A strange thrill ran through Harry Kenton when his body touched the damp earth. The contact seemed to bring to him strength and courage. Doubts fled away. He would succeed in the trial. He could not possibly fail.

What have you seen, Lieutenant Kenton and Lieutenant Dalton?" "General Shields, sir, is in Manassas Gap this morning with ten thousand men, and he and General Ord can certainly meet to-day if they wish. We learned also that General McDowell can come up in a few days with twenty thousand more." The face of Stonewall Jackson never flinched.

Still his constitutional vigor triumphed, and he revived. Wappatomica was a British trading post. Here Kenton met an old comrade, Simon Girty, who had become a renegade, had joined the Indians, and had so adopted their dress and manners as hardly to be distinguished from his savage associates. Girty cautiously endeavored to save the condemned prisoner.

How would it do to refer him to You could manage that part so much better. I don't see how I could keep it from seeming an indelicate betrayal of the poor child " "Perhaps she's told him herself," Mrs. Kenton provisionally suggested. The judge eagerly caught at the notion. "Do you think so? It would be like her! Ellen would wish him to know everything."

"That is just what I supposed you would say, Mr. Kenton, but I must say I didn't expect it of you. I think it's cowardly." "Look out, Sarah! I don't like that word." "Oh, I suppose you're brave enough when it comes to any kind of danger. But when it comes to taking the brunt of anything unpleasant " "It isn't unpleasant it's queer." "Why do you keep saying that over and over?

He has visions, perhaps, but they are great ones, and he foresees a mighty republic for us extending far south of our present border. But now that you have accomplished your task, what do you mean to do, Mr. Kenton?" "I want to stay here," replied Harry eagerly. "This is the head and center of all things. I think my father would wish me to do so.

Kenton and his party were three days in reaching Limestone, during two of which they were without food, and destitute of sufficient clothing to protect them from the cold winds and rains of March.

"That's a man I like, and, I think, after this affair here is over, we may go back to his command. If we do succeed in taking Vicksburg, it seems likely to me that the heavy fighting will be up there in Tennessee, where Bragg's army is." "Do you know if your uncle, Colonel Kenton, is in Vicksburg?" "I don't think so. In fact, I'm sure he isn't. His regiment is with Bragg.