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'Jove, that was smart of him, Ken said smilingly. 'But Roy, dad? Is Roy all right? 'Quite right. He has rejoined his regiment. Ken's face fell. 'What about me, dad? Don't say I shan't be able to do the same. 'There is no need to say anything of the sort, my boy, replied his father quickly. 'The only trouble with you is that you lost more blood than was good for you.

Neither of them had the least idea of the whereabouts of the shell hole with the bodies of the two dead Turks. A good half-hour they wasted in vain search, then Ken dropped behind the shelter of a small bush. 'It's no use, Roy, he said desperately. 'I can't find it. We're simply wasting time. Instead of answering, Roy took hold of Ken's arm with a grip that was like that of a steel vice.

Now, the volleys rolled their thunder right away to the hills of Ken's Island, and the whistling of the bullets was like the singing of unseen birds above our heads; there were oases of red flame in the waste of blackness; we heard oaths and cries, commands roared hoarsely across the water, voices triumphant and voices that were stilled; and then came the first great silence.

Viewed from the eastward sea, I call Ken's Island the most fearsome place I have come across in all my fifteen years afloat. Vast cliffs, black and green and crystal, rose up sheer from the water in precipices for all the world like mighty steps. The sands of the cove were white as snow, and shone like so many precious stones pounded up to make a sea beach.

The big captain leaped forward with a terrific swing and hit the ball. It lined over short, then began to rise, shot over Homans, and soared far beyond, to drop and roll and roll. Through darkening sight Ken Ward saw runner after runner score, and saw Homans pick up the ball as MacNeff crossed the plate with the winning run. In Ken's ears seemed a sound of the end of the world.

But if I do you're to let me try forestry." "Well, Kenneth, that's a fair proposition," returned father, evidently surprised at my earnestness "Come on. We'll go up in the woods. Hal, I suppose he's won you over?" "Ken's got a big thing in mind," replied Hal, loyally "It's just splendid."

Yet I would not hide it from you that it is a big business, and that the man who goes to Ken's Island to-night may never return. We are now fourteen in this house, and our first duty is to leave it safe for those who trust us. With your help, Captain Nepeen, we'll answer the scum down below," said I.

But we we made the boat; and falling half-dead in it, we thrust it from the beach and heard our comrades' voices again. The same night. Off Ken's Island. Half-past twelve o'clock. We have not returned to the watch-tower rock, nor can we bring ourselves to that while there is any hope left to us of helping those whom Czerny marooned on the dangerous shore.

Then bullets began to ping ominously close, and little jets of dust to rise from the dry soil all around them. Suddenly Ken's hat flew from his head, and as he stooped quickly to recover it, the fat German gave a yell like a stuck pig, and kicked out so convulsively that his bearers incontinently dropped him.

"But shall we die?" asked his brother again, with a cold shudder at the word. "Remember what you said just now, Charlie, and be brave. But even if we were to die, could we die better, little brother, than in doing our duty, and trying to save dear Ken's life? It isn't such a terrible thing, Charlie, after all.