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The man looked down at her with grave, considerate eyes. "Why, yes, ma'am. I reckon you could," he said gently. "They're right gentle ponies," he added. "Are they yours?" "One of 'em is. The other belongs to Kearney, dude-wrangler up the valley. But, say, if you're goin' to Rusty you c'd leave my hoss at Lander's and I c'd get him when I come along. I am stoppin' here to help with the load.

They have that sort of thing in France, and they say it gives a great support to purity of morals. 'Young Kearney might accept something, if we knew what to offer him. 'I'd say a pair of black trousers; for I think I'm now wearing his last in that line. 'Mr.

The affair at Williamsburg was bravely done by Heintzelman and Hooker; but it was done without the knowledge of McNapoleon, and contrary to his expectations and strategy. This he confesses in one of his masterly bulletins. Perhaps McNapoleon ignored Heintzelman's corps' heroic actions, because neither Heintzelman, nor Hooker, nor Kearney worship strategy, and the deep, well-matured plans of Mc.

In front of the Palace Hotel he paused, seemed about to enter, but went on. He halted once again at Third street, surveying a tall brick building with a clock tower. "What place is that?" he queried of a bystander. "That? Why, the Chronicle building." The stranger was silent for a moment. Then he said, in a curious, detached tone, "I thought it was at Bush and Kearney."

Billy thanked McCarthy for the gory trophy, gave a slight shudder as he took it, and said significantly: "I ain't so tired as I was, and I guess I'll keep up with you all now, for if the bank hadn't caved in that Injun would have had me." At daylight they came in sight of Kearney, and after a volley or two at the Indians still dogging their steps, made for the fort and reached it in safety.

It was in the early part of the evening, and I had to wait until the people in the parlor would disperse. She saw what I was waiting for, and stayed, too; she told me with her eyes that she remembered. After a while she went to the piano, and played and sang 'Kate Kearney. Then I was satisfied that she would not leave me before I had spoken to her.

The Honourable Richard Kearney, Trinity College, Dublin. 'It is from my sister, said Kearney, as he took the letter impatiently from his hand; 'and I can only tell you, if she had addressed me otherwise, I'd not have opened her letter. 'But come now, old fellow, don't lose temper about it. You have a right to this designation, or you have not

As the weather was hot we started late in the afternoon, drove all night, and arrived early next day, at that small river, where we found water and grass. Sollitt rode ahead much of the time to pick out the road. Our course for several days was now along the Little Blue in a northwest direction, toward Fort Kearney on the Platte.

We were beginning to descend. In the distance below us already twinkled the lights in the solitary rancho of Lone Valley. I turned to my companion. "But you have forgotten that I don't even know your name. What am I to call you?" "That's so," he said, musingly. "Now, let's see. 'Kearney' would be a good name. It's short and easy like. Thar's a street in 'Frisco the same title; Kearney it is."

They are more conversant with cycling affairs than myself, and, having heard of my tour, have been on the lookout, expecting I would pass this way. At Kearney Junction the roads are excellent, and everything is satisfactory; but an hour's ride east of that city I am shocked at the gross misconduct of a vigorous and vociferous young mule who is confined alone in a pasture, presumably to be weaned.