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And so he was; for he had a Father who was King over all the nations of the earth, who loved him as a son, and received from that son the happy, truthful affection of a true child. That woman who went about in the simplest of garments, and shunned no form of labour that made the home more comfortable or attractive, had become to Karin a model of all that was pure and lovely and lovable.

Karin knew it as one of her own early trophies, that had been given to her mother in pride when she had received it as a reward for skill shown in the sewing-class at school. This little remembrance of her had been treasured and prized while she was living in selfish forgetfulness of the poor old woman far away. Repentant tears had fallen on the humble memento.

Ingmar thought so, too, although he felt a little reluctant about accepting anything which had not been approved by his father. "But wasn't it father himself who taught us that we must always walk in the ways of God?" argued Karin. Everything seemed to be so bright and so promising! Ingmar had never dreamed that it would be so delightful to get back among people once more.

It was then that Stella spoke, her voice no more than a throbbing whisper. "Rustam Karin!" she said. Very grimly across the gulf, Everard made answer. "Rustam Karin was removed to a leper settlement before you set foot in India." "By Jupiter!" ejaculated Tommy. No one else spoke till slowly, with the gesture of an old and stricken woman, Stella turned away.

In the best room at the Ingmars sat Berger Sven Persson and two other men, drinking coffee. Ingmar Ingmarsson, who still lived at the schoolhouse, was at home over Sunday. He sat at table with them and acted as host, for Karin had excused herself, saying she had some work to do in the kitchen, as the maids had gone down to the mission house to hear the schoolmaster preach.

It had not been a question of money, for Halvor was well-to-do; his father, however, had been addicted to drink, and who could say but that this failing had been transmitted to the son. However, it was finally decided that Halvor should have Karin. The wedding day was fixed and they had asked to have the banns published.

"She's somebody worth winning, even if one has to wait seven long years." But it was not so easy for Halvor to have patience, for he soon learned that this one and that one was paying court to Karin. This began within a fortnight of Elof's funeral. One Sunday afternoon Halvor sat on the steps in front of his shop, watching the people coming and going.

"The question of the children is a vital one," he said. "They should be given the right kind of training." "Storm has trained the entire parish, and you, too, Halvor," Ingmar reminded him. "But he has not taught us how to live rightly," said Karin. "It seems to me that you have always tried to do that, Karin." "Let me tell you how it was to live by the old teaching.

When Karin had finished speaking, she drew nearer to Halvor, as if seeking protection against all the cruel slander that would come now. The men were speechless, mostly from astonishment at Karin Ingmarsson, who looked younger and more girlish than ever before in her life.

We will do all that we can for the Ingmarssons." "Thank you," said Karin. The two women talked over what had best be done for Ingmar's welfare. Meantime, Storm took the boy with him to the classroom, and gave him a seat next to Gertrude. During the whole of the first day Ingmar never said a word.