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As I rose above the city I circled several times, as I had seen Kantos Kan do, and then throwing my engine into top speed I raced at terrific velocity toward the south, following one of the great waterways which enter Zodanga from that direction.

Later, in the winter, they were joined by General Larimer with a party from Leavenworth, Kan., and by them the rude camp at Aurania was renamed Denver, in honor of the governor of Kansas. In another six months emigrants came pouring in from every point along the frontier.

They had been searching among the northern hordes, and only within the past few days had they extended their quest to the south. Kantos Kan had been detailed to one of the small one-man fliers and had had the misfortune to be discovered by the Warhoons while exploring their city. The bravery and daring of the man won my greatest respect and admiration.

When they had come close enough to make us out at all, Kantos Kan's operator received a radio-aerogram, which he immediately handed to my companion. He read the thing and handed it to me. "Kantos Kan:" it read. "Surrender, in the name of the Jeddak of Helium, for you cannot escape," and it was signed, "Zat Arras."

At his words I released Zat Arras and, turning my back upon him, walked toward the ship's rail. "Come, Kantos Kan," I said, "the Prince of Helium would return to the Xavarian." None interfered. Zat Arras stood white and trembling amidst his officers.

C. Matter, Brodlhead, Wis. MINN. Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary, Mrs. H.L. Chase, 2,750 Second Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. IOWA. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Miss Ella K. Marsh, Grinnell, Iowa. KANSAS. Woman's Home Miss. Society, Secretary, Mrs. Addison Blanchard, Topeka, Kan. SOUTH DAKOTA. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. W.H. Thrall, Amour, Dak. The Rev.

Bud glanced down at his hand and saw that he held a bit of folded paper. Hastily, yet cautiously, he unfolded it and read these words scrawled on it with a lead pencil: Me and Spike kan yit save you. Give up the miners map and promis to tell nobudy of the kave of gold and we wil git you free.

Two transports went down in flames, two cruisers were badly damaged, and the high-sided ex-German liner Ural was punctured with shells. On the other hand, Dewa's flagship Kasagi was driven to port with a bad hole under water, and Toga's old ship Naniwa Kan had to cease action for repairs.

But this time it was different more turbulent, harsher, more sombre with the hint of waiting storms. Was there, then, more than one ocean, Kan Wong asked himself? He found that it was indeed so when once more a fire junk received them. This one was greyer than the first that they had known.

After this Rafael answered her angrily, and let nothing pass without retaliation, rough, savage retaliation; he was worse than she was. "But God bless me!" said good-natured Hans Ravn at length, "how you are altered, Rafael!" His genial kindly eyes gazed at him with a look which Rafael never forget. "Ja, ich kan es nicht mehr aushalten" said the young Fru Ravn, with tears in her eyes.