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Andrew Lang says somewhere that the logical consequence of the formal theory of art in all its nakedness would make Tennyson the youth, Swinburne, and Edgar Poe the greatest poets of the world, and those delicious effusions of Edward Lear, "The Jumblies" and "On the Coast of Coromandel," masterpieces.

I feel as though some one were dying in the next room, and I do believe I'll hide the book." "It won't do you any good," remarked Catherine serenely. "I know almost all of her by heart. But you must admit, Allie, that I do say cheerful things at times. You got sick of the Jumblies last year." "They were as idiotic as the Rossetti lady, in another way.

Longfellow, combined to make you too intolerant of what you call the 'didactic' element in verse. William Morris as he was when he wrote 'Golden Wings, 'The Blue Closet, and 'The Sailing of the Sword; and, close up, Mr. Lear, the author of 'The Yongi Bongi Bo, and the lay of the 'Jumblies. On the other hand Homer would sink into the limbo to which you consigned Moliere.

The Jumblies carried me safely through the fifth act of Cyrano. But go on, Bobby. We are nearly ready to change the subject." "Now take that recital of yours," Bobby pursued meditatively. "You were there to interpret Schubert and Franz and those fellows; but nobody is talking about Schubert and Franz, to-day. It is all Thayer, Cotton Mather Thayer, Baritone. It's all right enough.

We wished to show those at home how easy it was to get there; how easy to get home again. Moreover, though going to sea in the Shannon was not quite the same 'as going to sea in a sieve, our stay-at-home friends were of the same mind as those of the dear little Jumblies, whom Mr. 'If we live, We too will go to sea in a sieve, To the Hills of the Chankly bore. So we left. But it was sore leaving.

One rhapsody has been published, that in E minor; in spite of its good details, it is curiously unsatisfying, it seems all prelude, interlude, and postlude, with the actual rhapsody accidentally overlooked. A "Meditation" is bleak, with a strong, free use of dissonance. "The Jumblies" is a setting of Edward Lear's elusive nonsense, as full of the flavor of subtile humor as its original.

Carroll works by the pure reason, but this is not so strong a contrast; for, after all, mankind in the main has always regarded reason as a bit of a joke. Lear introduces his unmeaning words and his amorphous creatures not with the pomp of reason, but with the romantic prelude of rich hues and haunting rhythms. 'Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live,

Far and few, far and few Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue, And they went to sea in a sieve." "Uncle, could you lend me a ninepence? I'll return it as soon as I get my pocket-money," said Rose, coming into the library in a great hurry that evening.

The Reverend Swiss Robinson and Family, Tent House, Desert Island, stating that "Miss Muffet requests the pleasure of your company," etc. Then there were letters addressed to Wonderland and Back of the North Wind, and to Lilliput and the Land where the Jumblies Live, and to all sorts of places which are to be found only on the best maps, and are not in the school geographies at all. Mr.

We incline to think that no age except our own could have understood that the Quangle-Wangle meant absolutely nothing, and the Lands of the Jumblies were absolutely nowhere.