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I have observed, by the way, that a wealthy tradesman in a country town is never accredited with less than a hundred thousand; there seems a natural hankering in the human mind for round numbers. "There's J.H. Judson of St.

"I think that my aunt should be notified at once." Blue Bonnet did not realize in her excitement that her tone was a bit dictatorial. "We are responsible for Carita, and " "Miss Judson will have every attention, Miss Ashe. She is in no immediate danger. I shall notify Miss Clyde as soon as I think it necessary." "You mean that you will not notify her to-day?" "Hardly to-day."

He'd hold office a couple of terms, then he'd sit out for a hand always after appointing his own successor for the interims. "But it was not Benavides, the Liberator, who was making all this fame for himself. Not him. It was Judson Tate. Benavides was only the chip over the bug. I gave him the tip when to declare war and increase import duties and wear his state trousers.

After lunch Mr. Judson called again. He was passing, he explained, on his round of parish calls, and had dropped in casually. Mr. Worcester also came; his really was a casual stop, I think. He and his brother curate were very brotherly indeed, but I noticed an apparent reluctance on the part of each to leave before the other. They left together, but Mr.

To be sure he had apologized, but Wunpost himself had said that it was only to gain a share in the mine and how lamentably had Wunpost failed, after all his windy boasts, when it came to a conflict with Judson Eells. He had weakened like a schoolboy, all his arguments had been puerile; and even her husband, who was far from censorious, had stated that the whole affair was badly handled.

Out of the private office and into the corridor came the taller of the two garroters, holding his mask in place as he ran, with McCloskey, Judson, and all but one or two of the others in hot pursuit. Notwithstanding, the fugitive gained the stair and fell, rather than ran, to the bottom.

But there is something in Latin about caveat emptor, which is short for "Let the buyer beware!" and if Judson Eells was so foolish as to build his road first that was certainly no fault of Wunpost's. All he had done was to locate the hole, and then Judson Eells had jumped it; and if, as a result thereof, Wunpost had trimmed him of twenty thousand, that was nothing to what Eells had done to him.

After all the family had alighted, and their affectionate greetings were over, Philip exhibited the fine white fish he had brought for Mr Judson, weighing some four or five pounds. "We have half-a-dozen similar fish for our family supper, so we shall not starve," he said, with a tone of satisfaction. "We have not broached a cask of beef or pork since we came here."

In a few minutes Philip was sitting wrapped up in a sheet and blanket before the almost red-hot stove of the log-hut, y-clept an hotel, while Mr Job Judson was administering a stiffer tumbler of rum-and-water than Philip had ever before tasted, probably, though it appeared to him no stronger than weak negus.

"She told me in this room not two hours ago that Phil had never done her wrong. It was she who asked to have you summoned here this morning, although I was ready for you anyhow." The end of Judson's rope was in sight now. He collapsed in his chair into a little heap of whining fear and self-abasement. "Your worst crime, Judson, is against this girl.