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Committee on Scientific Instruction in Temperance will visit school directors, and authorities in public and private schools, and urge the introduction of Dr. Richardson's lesson book, or the new temperance lesson book to be issued by the Education Department of Ontario. Suitable literature on the subject might be judiciously used on these visits.

Had the king contented himself with the advantage already gained, all the world would have acknowledged he had fought against terrible odds with astonishing prowess, and that he judiciously desisted when he could no longer persevere, without incurring the imputation of being actuated by frenzy or despair.

The top of the rock was very irregular in shape; but Lance soon saw that a few charges of powder judiciously placed would give them a nearly circular platform of about sixty feet diameter, which would be ample space for such a battery as he proposed to construct.

If you are not now acquiring the power of self-control in minor affairs by managing them judiciously under circumstances of trifling excitement or disturbance, how will you be able to act your part with skill and courage, when the hours of real trial overtake you?

Now imitate the flower colours by objets d'art so judiciously placed that in a trice you will admire what you once found cold. As if by magic, a white, cream, beige or grey room may be transformed into a smiling bower, teeming with personality, a room where wit and wisdom are spontaneously let loose.

Stephenson was present, ready to answer any questions which might be put to him on the subject; and it was judiciously remarked thatit would be better that he should be asked questions than required to make a speech; for, though a very good engineer, he was a bad speaker.” One of the questions then put to Mr.

The terrace before the palace was similarly encroached upon by these wretched habitations. A few millions judiciously expended might make of this arid hill one of the most magnificent gardens in the world; and the palace seems to me to excel for situation any Royal edifice I have ever seen.

"Very well, if mademoiselle allows it, pray come!" said Madame Marneffe. "Yes go, Cousin, I will join you," said Lisbeth judiciously. The Parisienne had so confidently counted on the chief's visit and intelligence, that not only had she dressed herself for so important an interview she had dressed her room. Early in the day it had been furnished with flowers purchased on credit.

This interesting vegetable has no local attachments whatever, and readily clings to any part of one's garment. Then there are the mosquitoes with which the same careful mother peoples the groves, even in April, industrious little creatures not in the least enervated by the climate. But her grand dependence, judiciously settled indeed, is on the sand flies.

Whilst we sustained a neutral position in the war waged by Great Britain and France against the Chinese Empire, our late minister, in obedience to his instructions, judiciously cooperated with the ministers of these powers in all peaceful measures to secure by treaty the just concessions demanded by the interests of foreign commerce.