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I am sure his heart was broken, and that that day we breakfasted with him was not his first but his last jour de bonheur. Seventy-two days of Communism has cost France 850,000,000 francs. DINARD, June 18, 1871. DEAR MOTHER, Our peaceful life here is a great contrast to the bombs of poor dilapidated Paris. I have still the screams and bursting shells of the Faubourg St. Honore in my ears.

After crossing the five-arched bridge which spans the Gardon, the road proceeds along the eastern bank, up the valley towards Mialet. It being market-day at Anduze, well-clad peasants were flocking into the town, some in their little pony-carts, others with their baskets or bundles of produce, and each had his "Bon jour, messieurs!" for us as we passed.

The Italian was my favourite. 'Vous serez un jour un grand philologue, mon cher, said the old man, on our arriving at the conclusion of Dante's Hell. 'I hope I shall be something better, said I, 'before I die, or I shall have lived to little purpose. 'That's true, my dear! philologist one small poor dog. What would you wish to be?

Bodies are being removed from the crypt of the Church of Les Petits Pères, near the Bank of France, for examination. Rumours are afloat that people have been recently buried there under false names, and bones strew the pavement on both sides of the church door. The Versaillais are at a distance of 200 metres from the ramparts from the Point du Jour to Vanves.

Then the pompous Renaissance with "escaliers" and "balcons á jour," balustrades crowning the walls and elaborate cornices here, there, and everywhere all bespeaking the gallantry and taste of the knightly king. Finally came the cold, classic features of the period of the brother of Louis XIII.

In the National Assembly he had no opportunity of displaying the full extent either of his talents or of his vices. He was indeed eclipsed by much abler men. He went, as was his habit, with the stream, spoke occasionally with some success, and edited a journal called the "Point du Jour", in which the debates of the Assembly were reported.

They do it all summer long, Aunt Patty says, and the old lady is beautiful, just like a picture." The girls walked down a little. The maid smiled and nodded. The children made queer stiff bows, both alike, though they were girl and boy; but they looked half afraid. The maid said "Bon jour" to Nora, who replied with a longer sentence.

"Bon jour, ma chere," said I in a soft insinuating tone; she did not hear me, so I repeated, "Bon jour, ma chere, bon jour."

Then hail, ye blossoms of the grave, That o'er the care-worn temples wave Sent to remind us of "that bourn, Whence traveller can ne'er return;" The harbingers of peace and rest, Where only mortals can be blest. Read Victor Hugo's Dernier Jour d'un Condamné!

By the terms of their tenure the habitants of the seigneury were required to appear each May Day before the main door of the manor-house, and there to plant a pole in the seigneur's honour. Le premier jour de mai, Labourez, J'm'en fus planter un mai, Labourez, A la porte a ma mie.