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"I only ran in to say Bon jour. I must leave you now." "Adieu, my dear boy, not a word on the miniature! By the by, here's a shirt-pin for you, tu es joli comme un amour." All was clear now to Gabriel; it was necessary to get rid of him, and forever.

Her "Bon jour, Monsieur," was as cordial as ever; and it even seemed to me and that didn't in the least tend to compose me that her eyes sparkled with an archness which I had never seen in them before, and that her voice had in it a tinge of malice, as she held out to me two of her finest bunches, saying, "Est-ce que, Monsieur en desire deux encore ce soir?"

Adela drew the letter from her pocket and in silence handed it to him. He read it quickly, and, before the end was reached, had promptly chosen his course. 'What do you think of this? was his question, as he folded the letter and rolled it in his hand. He was smiling, and enjoyed complete self-command. 'I cannot think, fell from Adela's lips. 'I am waiting for jour words.

"Bong jour, Mademoiselle," continued Burley, saluting her en passant with two fingers at the vizor of his khaki cap, as he had seen British officers salute. "I compliment you on your silent but eloquent welcome to me, my comrades, my coons, and my mules. Your charming though slightly melancholy smile bids us indeed welcome to your fair city.

Crooke, W. Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. 2 vols. Archibald Constable & Co. Westminster, 1896. Crawley, A.E. Sexual Taboo. Journ. Anthr. Inst., xxiv, 1895. Man, E.H. The Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. Jour. Anthr. Inst., xii, 1882. Crantz, David. History of Greenland. Trans, fr. the German, 2 vols. Longmans, Green. London, 1820.

If, as seems highly probable, these tints are due to transformation products of tannin, we may not unnaturally conclude that they will be absent where tannin has not been generated. Jour. of Science. By THOMAS TURNER, Assoc. R.S.M., F.C.S., Demonstrator of Chemistry, Mason College.

Châteaubriand is not quite so ostentatious in his egotism as the Prince de Ligne, who headed the chapters in his "Mémoires et Mélanges," "De moi pendant le jour," "De moi pendant la nuit," "De moi encore," "Mémoirs pour mon coeur"; still he parades himself on every possible occasion, and not always to his own advantage.

I should not be too proud now. Ah, blessed be Heaven! here comes Lemercier; he owes me a dinner he shall pay it." "Bon jour, my dear Frederic! How handsome you look in your kepi! Your uniform is brilliantly fresh from the soil of powder. What a contrast to the tatterdemalions of the Line!" "I fear," said Lemercier, ruefully, "that my costume will not look so well a day or two hence.

He may be dizzy, his head may feel full and tight, he may have headaches, or he may have some cardiac pain or distress. Other persons do not seek advice until there is a slight weakening of the heart, showing the strain under which it is laboring. In most of these high tension cases, the patients have rather a slow heart, provided the heart is sufficient. Jour.

Women have been borne out from an old-world hospital, two in one coffin, that the horrors of their prison-house might not be known, while the very men who were discussing the treatment of the disease were stupidly conveying the infection from bed to bed, as rat-killers carry their poisons from one household to another. N. E. Quar. Jour. of Medicine and Surgery, April, 1843.