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Eh bien, Monsieur, you guess the rest: she has taken a caprice for me, and this very night she will admit me to her apartment. She is very handsome, Ah qu'elle est belle, une jolie petite bouche, une denture eblouissante, un nez tout afait grec, in fine, quite a bouton de rose." I expressed my envy at Monsieur Margot's good fortune, and when he had sufficiently dilated upon it, he withdrew.

We find him at the head of one of those useful establishments unknown in our country a Bureau de Mariage: half a dozen of such places are daily advertised in the journals: and "une veuve de trente ans ayant une fortune de deux cent mille francs," or "une demoiselle de quinze aus, jolie, d'une famille tres distinguee, qui possede trente mille livres de rentes," continually, in this kind-hearted way, are offering themselves to the public: sometimes it is a gentleman, with a "physique agreable, des talens de societe" and a place under Government, who makes a sacrifice of himself in a similar manner.

"Nina, then, waited till they came her father, her new mother Petrea, and " "Beautiful Petrea," Nina exclaimed, "la belle Petrea, black hair like yours, Miggie, and voice like the soft notes of the piano. She taught me a heap of tunes which I never have forgotten, but tell me more of the black-eyed baby, Nina's precious sister. I did hug and squeeze her so 'la jolie enfant, Marie called her."

My merry, but feeling fellow travellers, waving their hands, addressed a short apostrophe to these suburb objects, and exclaimed, "adieu ma tres jolie ville ah! tres jolie ville adieu."

Descendez a l'ombre, Ma Jolie blonde. And now I am dreaming surely! This is London, not Beau Sejour, and Hortense is far away, and it is that cursed fellow in the street I hear! The morrow comes on quickly. If I were to draw up that crooked blind now I should see the first streaks of daylight. Who pinned those other curtains together?

Edith had cursed her to her face, and with a sigh audible only to herself she arose and said laughingly, "It's time we were off, and you've certainly admired that figure in the glass long enough. What do you think of yourself, any way?" "Why," returned Edith, in the same light, bantering tone, "I think I'm rather jolie, as I used to say. I wonder where I picked up that word.

Blumenthal. "I think she seems livelier since she came here. Sometimes I fancy she looks like good Madame Guirlande. Those feathers on her head make me think of the bows on Madame's cap. Come, jolie Manon, I'll carry you out doors, where the sun will shine upon you. You like sunshine, don't you, Manon?"

I do love the English manner, and Mademoiselle Aneta, si jolie, si élégante; and Mademoiselle Maggie, who has a large charm. I do make homage to them as the two queens. I would," she continued, turning and clasping Miss Johnson's hands, "be a schoolgirl myself to be a subject of them." A few words will suffice to end this story.

"The Rue Jolie?" answered a cheerful-looking man in answer to a question. "Why, it's ever so much further up!" and he vaguely pointed skywards. And it was much further up, close to the very top of the great hill! In fact, it took the two ladies a long time to find it, for the Rue Jolie was the funniest, tiniest little street, perched high up on what might almost have been a mountain side.

I have been somewhat curious in studying a little antique Frenchman, who occupies one of the jolie chambres a garcon already mentioned. He is one of those superannuated veterans who flourished before the revolution, and have weathered all the storms of Paris, in consequence, very probably, of being fortunately too insignificant to attract attention.