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'Tenez, une danse qui n'est pas permise, said Stanislao: 'je ne sais pas pourquoi, elle est tres jolie, elle va comme ca, and sticking his umbrella upright in the road, he sketched the steps and gestures. All his criticisms of the present, all his regrets for the past, struck me as temperate and sensible.

"Achetez des fleurs, monsieur, pour la jolie dame?" Down went Jefferson's hand in his pocket and, filling the child's hand with small silver, he flung the flowers in the carriage. Then he turned inquiringly to Shirley for instructions so he could direct the cocher. Mrs. Blake said she would get out here.

"I'm glad the gown looks well," replied Virginia with an air of weary indifference as she sank down on a sofa. "Mais oui Madame n'a jamais été si jolie." "Donnez moi mes pantoufles," said her mistress with a yawn. She was very tired and was glad to change her tight opera slippers for more comfortable footwear. "Oui, Madame!"

While the girl disposed of the articles she chattered in French: "Je pensais que Madame rentrerait un peu plus tard " "Yes," replied Virginia languidly, "we returned much earlier than we expected. The opera was stupid " Josephine, a born diplomat, stopped short and, going into ecstasies over her mistress's gown, exclaimed rapturously: "Oh, que Madame est jolie ce soir, vraiement ravissante!"

"Pete!" he called to a boy, approaching, "I want this mare galloped a slow mile. Breeze her the last eighth. Don't take hold of her any harder'n you have to. Try 'n' talk her back." "I got you," said the boy, as Blister threw him up. Mrs. Dillon let go of the bridle. Très Jolie stood straight on her hind legs, made three tremendous bounds, and was gone.

It was flat as an old woman's palm; it was also as fertile as the city sitting in the midst of its luxuriance has been rich in history. "Ce pays est tres beau, et Caen la plus jolie ville, la plus avenante, la plus gaie, la mieux situee, les plus belles rues, les plus beaux batiments, les plus belles eglises "

She bore the number 1 upon her satin side, and dropping my eyes to my program I read: 1. Très Jolie b. m. by Hamilton dam Alberta. John C. Dillon, Lexington, Kentucky. "What sort of jockey is Manders?" I asked Blister. "Good heady boy," was the reply. "Virginia, oh, Virginia, isn't she a lamb?" gasped Mrs. Dillon. "She's a stuck-up miss," said Miss Goodloe in an even tone, and I almost hated her.

Thus, his Twelfth noël is set to an air composed by Lulli for the drinking song, "Qu'ils sont doux, bouteille jolie," in Molière's "Médecin malgré lui"; and those who are familiar with the music of his time will be both scandalized and set a-laughing by finding the uses to which he has put airs which began life in far from seemly company.

"Ah, but so old-fashioned I do believe I not see my money for it. Voyez-vous, de Lady Lucy is one petite lady si jolie, mais tres petite. If she were de tall grand lady, you see de great dresses could fit small lady, but de leetle dresses fit but ver few." "If I sell the green velvet I must have another next winter!" murmured Lady Lucy. "Ah! vous avez raison when de season nouveautes come in.

She took the cage, and was busy fastening it on the bough of a tree, when a voice from the street said, "Bon jour, jolie Manon!" The parrot suddenly flapped her wings, gave a loud laugh, and burst into a perfect tornado of French and Spanish phrases: "Bon jour! Buenos dias! Querida mia! Joli diable! Petit blanc! Ha! ha!" Surprised at this explosion, Mrs.