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His hand, for all his drinking, was calm and steady, his handsome eyes clear and cold and resolute. "Hunch," he said curtly, "if you touch that bottle again, I'll break it over your head. You're drunk now." To Jokai his voice trailed off into curious nothingness. Somewhere he knew in a room stifling hot and hazy with the fumes of vile tobacco there was a voice, musical, detached and very far away.

Tolstoi, Turgeniev, Sienkiewicz, Ibsen, Maeterlinck, Fogazzaro, Jokai, Haeckel, Nietzsche I give the names at random as they come of any one of these there is immeasurably more of a "cult" in the United States than in England a far larger proportion of the population makes some effort to master what is worth mastering in each.

"Let me pour you some more whiskey," insisted Carl with infernal courtesy. "Let us understand each other. Whenever I drink, I expect you to do the same. As for you, Hunch, you'll kindly stay sober!" Jokai gulped the nauseating torture to the end. He was faint and sick. By the end of the third game, every move had become convulsive.

"Days ago er Jokai of Vienna," went on Carl thoughtfully, "I dispatched a formal communication to your country. Why has it been ignored? Why did my first inkling of its effect come in the sight of your face in suspicious territory? And why, Monsieur," purred Carl softly, "did you seek to kill me by a trick?" "Monsieur, you delayed me. I am hot of temper " "And kill whoever angers you?

At that time the Hungarian Diet still met at Presburg, but the two sister-cities of Buda and Pest formed the real capital of the country and were the centre of commerce, industry, science, and literature. Michael Vorosmarty, the poet laureate of the nation, lived in Pest, and there the twin stars of literature, Alexander Petofi and Maurice Jokai, shone on the national horizon.

"And Hieronymis Janos, who wrote such eloquent proclamations and calls to arms? Kossuth was very fond of him." "He is busy, with Maurice Jokai, preparing a great book upon the Austro- Hungarian monarchy, a book patronized by the Archduke Rudolph. He will doubtless edit the part relative to the kingdom of Saint Stephen." "Ha! ha!

"God bless my soul!" exclaimed Queen Elizabeth to Jethro, "it's the immigrant, Jethro, and there he was on the lace spread with his feet tied and gurgling. I'll never forget his eyes." "Jokai of Vienna!" said the Black Palmer, whistling. "By Jove, they've trapped him nicely." For an uncomfortable instant, the silence continued, then came the saving stir of laughter and chatting.

Instantly without pause or warning the soft strain of the orchestra swept dramatically into a powerful melody of measured cadences. It was the tune Carl had played upon his flute to Jokai of Vienna months before. The minstrel, mask in hand, stared at the orchestra, blanched and bit his lip.

Hunch obeyed, and presently as the street door slammed behind his chief, Hunch's single eye roved expectantly to the forgotten whiskey on the table. Jokai lay in a motionless stupor by the window. It would be morning before the hapless drinker would be quite himself again. With brutal, powerful arms, Hunch bore his charge to an adjoining room and consigned him disrespectfully to a bed.

"And Hieronymis Janos, who wrote such eloquent proclamations and calls to arms? Kossuth was very fond of him." "He is busy, with Maurice Jokai, preparing a great book upon the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, a book patronized by the Archduke Rudolph. He will doubtless edit the part relative to the kingdom of Saint Stephen." "Ha! ha!