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It is a custom among the Canadian Indians, that when one dreams that another has rendered him any service, the person dreamed of thinks it a duty to fulfil the dream, if possible. A chief one morning came to the governor, Sir William Johnstone, and told him that he had last night dreamed that Sir William had made him a present of the suit of regimentals he wore.

Old Hugh Fraser Johnstone was ignorant of the veiled scrutiny of his stewardship. Ram Lal raised his head, at last, with something like defiance. "The better half is gone the rarest the richest! True, the princes may have divided them, they may have bribed their mutineer officers with some, but, a true list may be in the hands of these Crown officers here. They captured all the Palace papers.

"Was there no warning conveyed in these strange combinations, Dame?" asked Johnstone eagerly. "I deal not in warnings," said Rachel hastily. "Did I deal in warnings, the reading of the cards might prove useful to you both." "Come, come!" he said, "you speak in riddles. The warning. Is it the same for this gentle lady as for my rough self?" "Aye, aye, for both both."

Johnstone, an English resident in the South Seas at the time of Stevenson's visit, says: "His inborn courtesy more than any of his other good traits, endeared him to his fellows in the Pacific ... in the hearts of our Island people he built a monument more lasting than stone or brass."

"And 'the Rose of Delhi! will probably marry some lucky fellow out there, as old Johnstone has lacs and lacs of rupees," said Anstruther, "for he cannot keep her in his great gardens forever, guarded by the stony-eyed Swiss spinster, or let her run around as the Turks do their priceless pet sheep with a silver bell around her neck.

He didna jist order me to hae the thing bought, but it was michty near't. Sez he, 'We hae gotten the consent o' a' the ither elders, Maister Johnstone, an' we know ye jist can't refuse us; we'd like to hae it afore the new meenister comes, the danderin' bit eejit!" "I hope you would not be too hard on him, Andra, Mr. Watson would be meaning no harm " "No harm!

He now said, in plain terms, that he had been ill served in Scotland, but that he would try to find a remedy for the evil which bad been brought to his notice. The Lord High Commissioner Tweeddale and Secretary Johnstone were immediately dismissed.

"He might help to cover all up if I induced Abercromby to get him back on the staff once more. I was a fool to slight him." Hugh Fraser Johnstone was dimly conscious that his own line of battle was wavering, and that his flanks were unguarded his rear unprotected. "I will only trust my homeward pathway to Simpson, and my health is a good excuse for clearing out for good.

All your future association with her depends on your prudence. I will not be betrayed or openly disgraced!" His face was as black as a murderer caught in the act. "I remember!" said the beauty of the Bungalow. "To mystify the fools here, if I will bring my daughter and take you for a drive, each day at four, till I go," said Johnstone. "And, then, I'll have Hawke show you the city."

During the game, even Marshall, who is not afraid of anybody, sometimes steered clear of M'Keown by passing up the ball to Johnstone instead of keeping possession to the last. He played against Ireland the same year. ~W. Maley.~ The Celtic had as their three half-backs in the contest under review Messrs. Mr.