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"Molly spent the greater part of yesterday with me, Lionel." "She did? What for?" "Because I was in trouble, of more sorts than one; and her kind heart sent her in the first place. After she came I begged her to stay. I am already very fond of Molly; she is so gay and cheerful." Towsley's face became radiant. "Oh, jimmeny! Ain't that prime! Have you adopted her, too?" "No, indeed.

We asked that Jimmeny girl from the pub. to join, and she delivered a great parable at us, looking round all the time to see if the boot-licking tone of it was pleasing the men. She said that women ought to bring up their children to respect them "

Leastways, until just lately," she concluded. "And this Jimmeny piece," continued Dawn, "said women ought to treat their husbands decently, and she thinks a woman disgraces her sex by getting up on a platform to speak.

"I reckoned he wuz a gonter lay hans ontew him." "Ef he had, by jimmeny, I b'leeve Cap'n would a hit him a crack ez would a knocked him inter the middle o' nex week," said Meshech. "Oh, gosh, I ony wisht he hed," cried Obadiah, quite carried away at the wild thought of the mighty Squire rolling on the grass with a bloody nose.

If you heard what she says about you, you'd never be seen in Noonoon again;" but this assertion was made with such a roguish smile on eye and lip that Ernest took up a closer position by stepping into the gutter and placing one foot on the step of the sulky and a corresponding hand on the dashboard railing; and in that position I left them, with yellow-haired Miss Jimmeny from the corner pub. walking by on the broken asphalt under the verandahs, and casting a contemptuous and condemnatory glance at the forward Dawn who favoured the men.

'Men, she says, 'ought to rule; they're the stronger vessel." And Dawn gave inimitable mimicry of Miss Jimmeny of the pub. "If you take my tip for it, those girls that sing out that men are the stronger vessel are the sort that have a dishcloth of a husband, and never let him off a string." This attitude of mind was one of Dawn's distinctive characteristics.

Jimmeny, though, that veal pie looks good. I should hated to have lost that. You was real good to fetch it up. "T'was only fair, though, this time," he continued, with his mouth full, "for t'was on 'count o' you I got to fightin." "What do you mean?" said she. "Why, Obadiah's been tellin the biggest set o' lies about you I ever heard of. He's been tellin em all over town.

This so aroused my desire to be a boarder at Clay's that I straightway wrote a letter to its châtelaine inquiring what style of accommodation she provided, and could she accommodate me; and strolling up the broken street, while a few larrikins at corners, by way of entertaining themselves and me, made remarks upon my appearance, I dropped it in the post-office, but had to endure a week's inattention at Jimmeny's, and no end of yarns from outside folk I encountered as to how Mrs Jimmeny robbed the "swipes" who took their poison at her bar, before I was honoured by a reply from Mrs Clay.