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When I ordered fried eggs, they were brought on a snow-white napkin, which was artistically folded upon a piece of ornamented tissue-paper that covered a china plate; if I asked for cold ham, it came in flakes, arrayed like great rose-leaves, with a green sprig or two of parsley dropped upon it, and surrounded by a border of calfs'-foot jelly, like a setting of crystals.

I've been playing my violin till the neighbours began to complain of it; and if I hadn't asked them to come and hear me tune up a bit, I really believe they'd have been having me up before the magistrate for a public nuisance. 'That's right, Daddy dear; I'm always glad when you've been having a little music. It does you more good than anything. And the jelly I hope you've eaten the jelly?

Needham in the milt or male organ of a species of cuttle fish, called calmar; the former, or living animalcula, are found in both male and female secretions, in the infusions of seeds, as of pepper, in the jelly of roasted veal, and in all other animal and vegetable substances.

I'm a rell ole cowpuncher. I can slap a saddle on my string and ride like a son-a-gun. And I can put the bridle on him my own self and everything. I I was lookin' for the bunch. I had to make a dry-camp and my doughnuts is smashed up and the jelly glass broke but I never cried when a skink came. I shooed him away and I never cried once. I'm a rell ole cowpuncher, ain't I? I ain't afraid of skinks.

At serving time put a teaspoon of cracked ice in the bottom of each shell; fill with the pulp, mixed thoroughly with powdered sugar and a little sherry, if desired; and place a maraschino cherry or bit of bright-colored jelly in the centre of each. Lay on paper doilies or surround with bits of asparagus fern.

The nose of the shark is his most vulnerable part; and the natives, who eat this sea-monster as willingly as he eats them, often inflict a fatal wound by slinging a huge stone at his nose and battering it to a jelly as he rises out of the water.

Affectionate couple! happy man! he takes his wife's hand in his kisses it? No, not he, but he puts his head back in the corner of the carriage, and goes to sleep, and dreams of her? Not he indeed, but of a saddle of mutton and curren' jelly.

But she would tell us nothing more. When the jelly cookies were all eaten it was high time to be moving homeward, for when the dark comes down there are more comfortable places than a rustling maple wood and the precincts of a possibly enchanted spring. When we reached the foot of the orchard and entered it through a gap in the hedge it was the magical, mystical time of "between lights."

Shortly after sunrise a low, blunt, muffled rumbling, like distant thunder, was followed by another series of shocks, which, though not nearly so severe as the first, made the cliffs and domes tremble like jelly, and the big pines and oaks thrill and swish and wave their branches with startling effect. Then the talkers were suddenly hushed, and the solemnity on their faces was sublime.

I'm right glad to see you!" "And I guess we're jolly glad to see you," returned Alf. "It's a treat, but speaking for myself, I really want to use my hand again. It'll be jelly in a few more seconds." "And mine too!" laughed Bob, who could not help wincing at the vigorous form of the welcome. The Scotsman immediately released his severe grasp. "Sakes!