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"Go 'long, yo' w'ite trash" jeered the mulatto. He gave the boy a sudden, forceful shove. Jack Benson, under the impetus of that push, staggered ahead, seeking to recover his balance. Without a doubt he would have done so, but, just then, the floor under his feet ended. With a yell of dismay, the submarine boy tottered, then plunged down, alighting on a bed of soft dirt many feet below.

You're finding your voice, are you, my man?" Hazelton jeered. "Then talk up in time to save yourself!" Instead the huge black man began to writhe forward. "Stop that!" ordered Harry dangerously. He did not retreat from the writhing human thing, but he took better aim, noting that the black man was hatless and that his head offered a fair mark.

Two or three generations before, they hurled brickbats at any one who even hinted that the solar system might be more than six thousand years old; now they jeered in derision at the attempt to limit the life-bearing period of our globe to a paltry fifteen or twenty millions.

"In that case you shouldn't write memorandums or even take notes." "Maybe I shouldn't," Gusterson agreed lamely. "I'd have to think that over too." "Ha!" Fay jeered. "No, I'll tell you what your trouble is, Gussy. You're simply scared of this contraption.

Boys jeered at her and she was continually conscious of the amused, critical glances of the men and women she met. She longed to take it off and wear an inconspicuous trailing skirt, but if she had been right to put it on, it would be weakness to take it off.

"You're third, and that's good enough, for we never before had such a pitching triumvirate." "Where did these fellows ever learn to pitch to beat me?" jeered Fred, angrily. "They had no such trainer. Until he went south with his own team, I was trained by " Fred paused suddenly. Perhaps he had better not tell too much, after all. The din from the seats had now died down.

No one spoke; until the prisoner, intercepting a glance from Miss Belcher, broke into a sudden brutal laugh. "Poor old lady!" he jeered, and his eyes travelled wickedly across the disordered floor. "Whitmore left a lot behind him, eh?" She rose and turning her back on him, walked to the window. There she leaned out, seeming to study the night: but I saw that her shoulders heaved.

I asked him about my oxen, and he leered and jeered and joked with drunken cunning, but said nothing more. I passed a very happy summer, enjoying my work and wandering in the forest or exploring the streams which flowed into the lake, for subjects.

All these Grim Probabilities did I revolve in my mind, as the Sun went on sinking, and I could meet nothing but a few Rapscallion Boys that, when I strove to stammer out a few words of Arabic to ask my Way, laughed and jeered in their Impudent manner, and flung handfuls of Dust at me.

Miss Olymphia Lassiter's school may have held you and Nell, but it will never hold young Charlotte," Nickols jeered, as father began to roll up the map and speak to a young man that the great Wilkerson of White Plains had sent down to juggle with the flora and fauna of the Harpeth Valley. I turned from Nickols' raillery and surveyed the great American garden.