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Je revins

With his ears ringing with blue-stocking literature, threadbare sophistries, forms erected into important principles, mediocrity elevated into consideration, and the pre-eminence of the vain, the ignorant, and the contemptible, he will shut himself up in his solitude, and say with the Englishman at Paris Je m'ennuis tres bien ici.

Answer him, 'Ecrivez, ecrivex, Monsieur hardiment'. Je prendrai tout cela sur moi'. Should this happen, as perhaps, and as I heartily wish it may, then write an exact relation of it to your own Court.

True; the pace was too good for some of the half-bred ones, and such as could not stand the training, who departed, to fade away rapidly in the old house at home, or to pine, slowly, but very surely, in remote curacies. Some of these, I fancy, must have sympathized with Madame de Staël's consumptive niece, who answered to the question, "Why she was weeping all alone?" "Je me regrette."

Writing of that organization in 1906, M. Charles Huard, in "New York comme je l'ai vu," volunteered the puzzling information that it was "fondé en 1836 par les descendants de Knickerbocker, le plus vieux donc des grand clubs de New York." If the Frenchman was to be taken literally he apparently regarded the offspring of Washington Irving's creation as an exceedingly prolific race.

La poussee, or, as this book poetically calls it, "that daughter of the waters of Loeche," "that eruption of which we have already spoken, and which proves the action of the baths upon the skin," becomes the object, and often the end, of all conversation. And it gives specimens of this pleasant converse, as: "Comment va votre poussee?" "Avez-vous la poussee?" "Je suis en pleine poussee"

'No, you don't know what I am going to say! cried Nikolai Artemyevitch in a falsetto shriek, suddenly losing the majesty of his oratorical pose, the smooth dignity of his speech, and his bass notes. 'You don't know, vile hussy! 'For mercy's sake, Nicolas, murmured Anna Vassilyevna, 'vous me faites mourir? 'Don't tell me que je vous fais mourir, Anna Vassilyevna!

"Why, not much; the French, who we were told had left the Elbe entirely, are still here, as well as at Cuxhaven, not in force certainly, just sufficiently strong to pepper us very decently in the outgoing?" "What, are any of the people hurt?" "No," said the garrulous emissary. "No, not hurt, but some of us frightened leetle piece ah, very mosh, je vous assure."

Soames did not say "Je m'en fiche" it was French, and the fellow was a thorn in his side but deep down he knew that change was only the interval of death between two forms of life, destruction necessary to make room for fresher property. What though the board was up, and cosiness to let? some one would come along and take it again some day.

They halted at their places, and there, at the centre of the long table, on the right of the young Prince stood the Princess, with flushed face and shining eyes, looking very beautiful and radiantly defiant. "Mechante," Paul whispered, as they sat down. "This is a trap." "Je le sais. Tu est bien prise, petite souris." It pleased her to be gay. She confessed unblushingly.