United States or Democratic Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Germans seldom cross into our territory, unless on a bombarding jaunt, and thus practically all the fighting takes place on their side of the line. Thaw dropped his Fokker in the morning, and on the afternoon of the same day there was a big combat far behind the German trenches.

"You see," explained Ellen, "the afternoon before we make up a party, and go on a long jaunt up hill and down dale, through the woods and over the meadows, picking all the spring blossoms we can find. Finally, we come home with what we have succeeded in getting, and put them in water to keep fresh for the following day. Then what an excitement there is hunting up baskets for them!

My acquaintance with Thérèse became daily more intimate, and was soon upon such a footing as seemed to authorize my asking her to accompany me on a Sunday jaunt to one of the thousand resorts of Parisian pleasure-seekers just beyond the barriers of the city. She accepted, of course she did, and the matter was finally arranged one Saturday evening for the next day.

The gunbearer has instructions never to fire unless his master is disarmed and down before the charge of a beast. When an animal is killed the gunbearers skin it and care for the trophy. Usually when on a shooting jaunt of several hours from camp several porters go along to carry home the game. Third in the social scale came the askaris armed natives in uniforms who guard the camp at night.

So we aimed for Stony Crossing, and let our horses jog; there were three of us, well mounted, and we had plenty of grub on a pack-horse; it seemed that our homeward trip should be a pleasant jaunt.

He was down there "on a little Sunday jaunt" of forty miles the best legs and the best brain that ever worked together in one anatomy. A conquering New Year that's what you'll find, begun before this reaches you, carrying all good wishes from Yours affectionately, To Edwin A. Alderman Garden City, New York, January 26, 1913. MY DEAR ED ALDERMAN: This has been "Board" week, as you know.

Hartley, with all his foibles, was much attached to his only child, and deeply afflicted with the alteration he perceived in her. He readily therefore gave his consent to the proposed jaunt. "When she returns, it will be time enough," said he to lord Martin, "to bring things to the conclusion, so much desired by both of us.

If I could send the imitation bills the same way, Mac and George could carry on the business through the mail in my name and I could be at the other side of the world while the actual operation was going on, so that, far from my ever being proved guilty, there would be proof of my innocence, for how could I be guilty of a crime committed in England at the very time I was on a pleasure jaunt in the West Indies and Mexico?

The latter asked: "Where's Ned?" "Ask this lineup," Jimmie replied. "I don't know. Gee! If I had a face like that man on the end, I'd sell it to the wild man of Borneo, its an improvement on anythin' he could get up. Say, Old Socks!" he added, "where is Ned?" "Packed up, ready for delivery," was the reply. "Say, how would you wild animals like to take a jaunt on your motorcycles to-night?

So soon, too, and a lovely jaunt together in the beautiful summer weather. 'Twill make you strong again in no time, and you will write me long letters telling me all your adventures, and 'twill be almost as good as having them myself. I couldn't tell you when I've been so pleased!" "Humph!" said Sylvia disconsolately.